Sierra's View: Steps to Help You Rebrand Your Blog

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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Steps to Help You Rebrand Your Blog

My blog, Sierra's View, has gone through a major transformation (Goodbye, LivingtheDream--you've been good to me!). Now, there are still a few tweaks that need to be made here and there (I'm not entirely sure why Facebook is making it so difficult to change the name of my Page? haha). As I was rebranding, I didn't even know where to start.
At some point, there will be some of you that will want to rebrand, so I wanted to give you a few basic pointers on where to begin this process. Hope this will give you a good idea of what to do in the beginning steps.

1. Blog Name. 
If I were to give you any pointers, it would be to have your blog name be the following aspects: 

Simple. My blog name used to be "Oh, Just Living the Dream" and I found that every time I would try to say my blog name, it would be so annoying and long. Having your name be simple makes it easier for your readers and yourself!

Unique. You want your name to be something that people can remember! You don't want it to be similar to other peoples' blogs. 


2. Make all of your Social Media Similar Names to your blog.
Something that makes your life a lot easier, especially for your blog, business, hobby, etc. is to have all of your social media the same. My twitter, instagram, Pinterest usernames are all of the same. When I fill out any Shoppertunity sites, or explain it to readers, they know exactly what to look for when searching my social media sites. 

3.  Buy a Domain. 
I decided to stick with Blogger just because the coding is more user friendly, but something that I think that makes your blog more marketable it to buy a domain. I used to buy a domain for my blog that correlated with my name. I found that this made my website more profitable and professional. 

4. Change Your Information. 
If you have any Shoppertunity sites (Social Fabric, Pollinate, etc.) or other businesses that you work through, make sure to go in and change your websites and information. Make sure email and social media websites are up to date!

5. Spread the Word!
Make business cards to pass around to people, spread the word through social media, ask questions! I was constantly texting, tweeting, calling, emailing people on little questions regarding HTML coding and making a new website. 

Like I said, these are very basic steps, but they were some things that helped me take this process into my new blog. I hope that you enjoy it. Don't forget to follow :) 

Are there any other beginning steps you would include when it comes to the process of rebranding your blog?
Have any of you done it recently? What was the most frustrating part? 


  1. Super great tips. Rebranding is hard, and I am sure it made life easier once it was done for sure. Great tips for everyone.

  2. I just love your new blog look so much!

  3. Hi this is great I'm pinning it because you are awesome and helpful and everyone deserves to know this.

  4. I have always thought of rebranding, and this is a great guide to do so, but I think my brand has truly become mine and I will most likely keep it that way! <3

  5. Great post. I just started my blog about a month ago. I'm already worried my URL is too long. On the other hand I think it's catchy. I don't know. I'll book mark this for later if I decide I hate it. LOL Thanks!


  6. I think having a name that can be used for social media account is key. I kinda find it annoying when people different username for all their accounts and it has nothing to do with their blog!

  7. Yes to buy a domain- so much more professional!

  8. When I rebranded I think I spend 5 months thinking it over. haha. I'm so crazy.

  9. Good for you for having successfully rebranded! I definitely agree that having a short name makes things a lot easier!

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  10. Great tips on re-branding. Your blog looks great.

  11. I was just thinking about how I need to get all my social media under the same username. I have 2 different user names and I just need to make it one! You're right about a simple blog name. Mine is Lifestyles of the Poor & Unknown. I love it and feel that it's unique but it's a mouthful.

  12. I need a shorter, less boring, more memorable name :)

  13. Great tips! I rebranded once and it was such a pain.

  14. Great tips! Thank you for sharing :)

  15. GREAT tips! So helpful! :) I'm going to refer my friend who is thinking of doing so!

  16. Super great tips, when I decided to re brand/ start again I just move to a whole new blog and social media, partly because I couldn't figure out how to change some things

  17. Thanks for sharing! We're always looking for ways to tweak our brand :)

  18. Great tips! I just recently re branded, so I'm still working on a few of these things! :)

  19. Such a great and informative post, great tips here!

  20. These are really good pointers, without realising it I did the exact things you have suggested (great minds)

  21. Such great tips! I rebranded once and that's enough to last a lifetime :)

  22. These tips are perfect, especially #1. A name is important!

  23. Great tips, I especially love the ones about blog names. :)

  24. These are some great tips! I will have to tell a friend of mine about these tips who is thinking about rebranding.

  25. I really need to change all of my social media back to my blog name, but I just can't commit myself to it! Thanks for the reminder

  26. Great post! I had to re-brand my blog early on, and it's a bit of a pain but so worth it in the long run!

  27. I put a lot of thought into the how and why of my blog name and direction. Great tips!


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