Sierra's View: Interview T-Money/Anniversary Post

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Friday, July 25, 2014

Interview T-Money/Anniversary Post

Well, we did it. Tanner and I survived one year of marriage.
To celebrate, I am going to show you a couple of our engagement photos, bridal photos, and wedding day photos. Our photographer, Brooke, was absolutely fabulous. Not only is Brooke one of my dearest friends, but she is an amazing photographer. You all need to go check out her page now. You can find more of our photos herehere herehere  :) (there is a whole wedding series!)

Since I know that all of you read Tanner's incredibly sweet letter to me from yesterday, I thought I would let you all know a little bit more about T Money. Don't you think we all need to get to know him? I have spent this past year learning and understanding his quirks, goodness and love. I am grateful for a winner husband.

All of these are his words, specifically, just so you know (My response is italicized and in parentheses) ha. These are such guy responses. I had to get these answers out of him. "I need more than two words, Tanner!" I kept yelling at him. It was quite interesting and entertaining :) 

What is your full name? 
"Mark Tanner Charlesworth. Age 23. Married. 6'3''. Incredibly Good Looking with chiseled muscles. "

What is your current job? 
"I'm in school full time during the year, but, I am the Assistant Race Director for Epic Relays."

What are you going to school for? 
"I am getting my Accounting degree with a pre-dental minor, with the goal of going to Dental School. 
My dream school for dental is OHSU in Portland."

What was your first impression of Sierra (me)?
"I thought, 'This girl is crazy, but she's pretty.' You made me play a stupid envelope game. I didn't know anyone there. It was the most stupid game ever."  (I thought the same thing about him) 

How accurate do you now think it was? On which counts do you think you were totally wrong and on which were you right?
"Yep, she is crazy. But also pretty." (Ya win some, ya lose some). 

How many kids do you do want? 
"No more than 4. But I am not ready for kids; a wife is enough to handle for now." (HEY!) 

What is your favorite food? 
"Pizza. Fire baked pizza, specifically. My favorite restaurant is Pizzeria 712 because, well, it's the most amazing pizza in the world." (Seriously…I'm drooling now just thinking about it.

What do you fear the most? 
"Bees. F*** Bees. "(It's the funniest thing in the world. He will jump off cliffs, go bungee jumping, but he sees a Bee and FREAKS).

What are your 5 favorite hobbies? 
"Rock climbing, fishing, watching/playing sports, reading, playing music." 

What is your dream vacation and why? 
"I have a lot of dream vacations, right now it's Thailand because I want to hold a tiger. And they have really good rock climbing."

Describe yourself in 5 adjectives. 
"Loud, Energetic, Awesome, Intelligent, Athletic. "(He could make a list of fifteen, cocky son of a….. I could add some words, too…) 

What is your favorite movie of all time and why?
"Top Gun. Because my grandpa was a fighter pilot for the Navy. I watched it so much as a little kid, I wore the VHS out." (Plus he looks exactly like Iceman/Val Kilmer! See here. It's creepy.

Can you give me a mock session of how you would discuss sex education when you have a child?
"I will give my sons the same advice my father gave me: 'Keep the pecker in the pants, boy.' My daughters will wear chastity belts. That's it. Sierra can do the rest." (Awesome. Thanks, babe.

If you won the lottery, what are the first three things you would do/buy? 
"1. Build a house with land. 
2. Buy a tiger and/or leopard…maybe some wolves (he is grinning at me right now
3. Live off of the interest and not let anyone know I was rich. My kids will earn their keep."

If your house was on fire and you had a chance to grab only five things before leaving, they would be…
"My wife, my dog, my guns, my guitars, and my laptop." 

If you believed in reincarnation, what would you come back as? 
"That's simple…my spirit animal clearly is a Jaguar." (I am dying right now. What a nerd). 

Best Decision you ever made?
"The haircut I got today. Just kidding. Marrying my wife. That's a trick question. I can't say anything else, but I wouldn't say anything else. Cause I loooooove you" (He sang that to me. awwww)

I am so lucky to have this guy around, don't ya think? 

What other questions do you have for T Money?

We will be out of town for the next 2 1/2 weeks, so bear with me if my posts are a little sporadic. Vacation is good for the soul, right? 


  1. Seriously love these posts. Your husband is so funny. And your wedding photos OMG so much pure happiness and love reflected in the photos. Love, love, love. Hope yall get to go to Thailand soon and hold tigers.

  2. Such beautiful photos - and these answers are seriously funny.

  3. Haha too funny!! Congrats on one year. :)

  4. Awww...You are lucky to have him, and he's lucky to have you, too. Congratulations!!

  5. Wow, those pictures are just stunning! The lighting - the look - so amazing to have a love like that :)

  6. Congratulations! What a beautiful couple you are - may you both have a LIFETIME of happiness and love! <3

  7. Happy anniversary! What great answers. You got married the same time of year as I did, My anniversary was Thursday.

  8. gorgeous photos! you two are a beautiful couple :)

  9. You guys look wonderful together and so happy! And the answers to those questions....hilarious!

  10. Your wedding photos are so beautiful, love them :-)

  11. oh, goodness, y'all are so cute together!

  12. Those photos are spectacular! And I am obsessed with your wedding dress, it's amazing!

  13. GORGEOUS photos. Happy Anniversary! (the spirit animal comment made me giggle)

  14. love these photos!! happy anniversary...your husband sounds great!

  15. Happy anniversary, you guys are too cute!

  16. Stunning photos! Happy belated Anniversary!

  17. I'm seriously impressed by these photos--as an aspiring photographer myself, I always appreciate admiring the work of people who are much further along than myself :) Happy one-year mark to you!

  18. I LOVE your first impressions! So cute and brings me hope. Love that he would save you first out of a fire. And love that he sang to you. TOO beautiful!!


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