Sierra's View: I Need to Post About the Bachelorette // Andi's Season

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I Need to Post About the Bachelorette // Andi's Season

When it comes to The Bachelorette, I have to admit that I am a little bit obsessed. My father is consistently shaking his head at me. He can't believe that I watch that "garbage", but to be frank, there are a lot worse shows on television right now. I used to post about Sean's season. And Des's season. And well, let's be honest, I just kind of got sick of it. And don't even get me started on Juan Pablo. Possibly the worst season yet. What an idiot. Ha.

What is it with the intrigue of this show? I honestly can't seem to pinpoint it. I think it might have to do with the fact that it's every girl's fantasy--to have men fawn over you, or the traveling and romantic dates that none of us ever get to experience in our real lives, or simply just the intrigue of 15 men/women fighting for one person. I know it's silly. But, the main reason why I watch this show is because I love to analyze the people. I love to brain type them and figure out their relationship (I'm such a weirdo). Plus, I think it's hilarious. Guy drama, especially. Maybe I am, in a sick, twisted, sort of way, vicariously living through their alcohol-induced, fame-craved life that they live in for a few weeks.

Anyway, I haven't posted about this season yet. Every few episodes, I will tweet while I watch it, but not a post. And because it's such an important, social issue that is happening, I have to write my opinion and thoughts about it. (And I know you all care so much--ha). Since the ending of the season will be over in two weeks, I thought I would give some overall thoughts of this season and the particular people. Because, you know, I love judging people. I especially love it when they judge me. And plus, the top three is when it gets interesting and awesome.

  • I love Andi. I think she is a confident, sensitive, successful, spunky, beautiful woman with a great personality. I think she is there for the right reasons and truly wants to find a relationship. I love how candid and frank she has been with the guys. She doesn't beat around the bush when she talks to them. She does a fairly good job at being "real" and authentic. Her clothes, however, I don't like. I feel like she has dressed really skanky this season. I remember on Juan Pablo's season, she was quite modest (she was the only one on the whole show with a one piece swimsuit). It seems like either she, or the show, is trying to make her look more "sexy" and her clothes are too much. Side boob…yuck. No one wants to see that. And I can't stand her pouty face. 
  • Overall, I liked most of the guys on this season. I thought, more than usual, they were successful, pretty good guys. I don't think a lot of them were very cute, but I do think they were, as an overall entity, quite respectful, funny, decent human beings. (I especially loved Marquel! I thought he was awesome and hilarious!) 
  • Chris: Well, isn't he just the sweetest?! Let's be real here for a second. He was never going to win. Andi loved the idea of him, because, well, he's basically the best guy in the world. But, they did not have chemistry. The reason why he made it as far as he did was because the show wants him to be the next Bachelor. Duh. They were editing the show to make him look even more wonderful because next season is going to be the The Bachelorette: Farmers Edition. Boom. I love it. Genius editing and marketing, bachelorette show. I'm impressed. I mean, I could be wrong. But I have a feeling thats what is going to happen. Chris was/is a great guy, but him and Andi were not compatible. At all. 
  • Josh: Hottie Mchottie. Do not get me wrong. The guy is a babe. And totally my type. I love the jocks. Always have. It's funny because my husband is kind of a jock, but like, not really. He's way more "hipster and adventurous" than a jock. But, growing up, I looooved the jocks. So I get her infatuation with him. At first, I hated Josh. I thought he was annoying, and such a "guy's guy." Ya know, a MAN. But, as I have continued to watch the show, he's kind of grown on me. I think he is totally into Andi and really likes her. He's quite jealous though and that's kind of annoying. Too much of a "machista" for me, but whatever. I get it. Andi is really into the "men." She likes them masculine. Yet, there is still something fishy about him. I can't seem to pinpoint it. Ever since the lie detector thing, I feel like he has been hiding something. Like something is just…off. But I think it might be that he isn't very good at expressing his emotions verbally. I think Andi is really attracted to him, but I'm not sure if he's intelligent enough for her. Ugh and I hated his family. Their obsession with his little brother and the NFL! I have heard of his brother. He's an amazing athlete. I come from a huge athletic family, famous athletes even, so I understand, but they were clearly very obsessed with their children being famous. And his mom…woof. She rubbed me the wrong way. Josh is a huge softy at heart though…he is quite emotional and I think it's kind of sweet. He loves Andi, that's for sure. I just don't know if he can challenge her enough. All in all, I don't hate him. I don't love him, either. But, he is pretty to look at. I'm pretty sure Josh is an ESTP (What say, ye, Mckenna & Lexie?) which basically means he is going to suck at expression emotion, which Andi struggles with because she is quite good at it. 
  • Nick. Here are my thoughts on Nick. And I might get yelled at for this. But I don't hate him. I really don't. Here's why: Yes, Nick does not really get along with the other guys. But I think the reasons for that are like five-fold haha. 1) I think he is super focused on Andi and I think he sincerely likes her, so logically, he doesn't see the reality of being buddy-buddy with the other guys. I understand that. 2) He is not a super emotional guy. I think he's sensitive, but not emotional. Like they showed a clip of him when they all found out about Eric and he just sat there…stunned. I don't think he was that close with him, and I think he was just trying to process it. He keeps to himself on things like that so it comes across like he is a huge tool. 3) I think the show is editing him to be like that for drama purposes. I don't think he really is that bad and that the guys hate him that much. I really don't. 4) He is a NERD! He's a total nerd with a lisp and he needs to fix his hair. He is an intelligent salesman, but a huge nerd. And I think that he probably doesn't have the best social skills because of that. I guarantee he wasn't super cool growing up. But he has that sense of "intellectual superiority" to him where he kind of acts like he's better than everyone else. I think he knows he's smarter and kind of more intelligent than the others. 5) He's not very cute. (That body, though…wow. That came out of nowhere.) But, I don't think he's as ugly as everyone else is saying though. I think he's kinda cute! Especially when they went to that island and he got more tan. That helped a ton. But, Andi is very attracted to him because he's smooth. And he's head over heels for her. He gives her those intellectual and mental and physical needs, where Josh doesn't give her all of them. If that makes sense. I sort of feel like he is just really misunderstood! Haha. 
  • I honestly can say I have NO idea who she is going to pick. I think the show is trying to convince you that it's Nick, but who knows. It'll be interesting! I don't know who she is more compatible with! 
Whew. I'm sure I forgot something. But that's all for now. Haha. 

What are some of your thoughts on the top two guys? 
Do you like them/not like them?
Do you agree/disagree with some of the above statements? 


  1. I haven't watched the bachelor/ette in years! I took a dance class during the show years ago and got so far behind and just never started it up again. Andi is beautiful.

  2. I used to be obsessed with this show when I was in middle school... now not so much but a lot of my friends still are.

  3. I saw the first season and never seen it since. I just can't get into it those types of shows.

  4. I haven't watched Bachelorette in years. I understand why you like the show. The drama and the relationships really suck you in. But that is why I try not to watch reality shows, they are too addictive.

  5. I have so many thoughts I could write a post in your comments. Basically. Hatttteeee Nick. Love Josh. Sad about Chris. Miss Marquelle. Miss the gym rat - he was weird and adorable all at the same time. Sad about what happened with Eric. And I love Andi most of the time. But she always calls everyone a man. Yeah, we get it.

  6. i really think she will pick josh. i can't imagine nick is just getting a bad edit. i think she will pick josh, nick will not exit gracefully at all, and the after the final rose will be super awkward. who knows?? maybe i'm wrong.

  7. I have not watch this season but I legit follow everyones tweets every week lol

  8. I don't watch this show, but It sounds like I should!

  9. I haven't watched this season. But I did go to H.S. with one of the guys. He was eliminated early on, I think.

  10. i'm actually watching this week's episode right now! why on earth are they doing a rose ceremony when she already sent chris home?! so ridiculous. i'm not a huge fan of andi...i mostly wish she'd stop talking about how hot and how much of a man everyone is.

  11. I have no idea about this show, but I watched an earlier season, and I thought it was hilarious.

  12. I've never watched the bachelorette, but man I love seeing everyone get excited talking about it, haha!

  13. My parents say the EXACT same thing to me about the show!! But it's just SO good! I think she'll go with Nick. I don't really love them together, but I think it works. And definitely Chris had better be the next Bachelor, LOVE him!!!! And her pouts, I hate. Send them off and don't pout and make them think you regret it, that's just going to make it harder!

  14. Oh man, I just could care less about this show! I wish I cared, so we could have a fun convo about it! I did read that article about Sean Lowe hating being the shirtless bachelor the other day, lets talk about that!

  15. I have a confession - I have never watched not even one episode of it I dont know why but never appears to me. I cant not remember ever watching it like ever

  16. I have never watched the Bachelor or Bachelorette, I know if I started I would be totally obsessed lol

  17. I haven't really watched this show but so many people love it.

  18. I have never seen one episode of Bacheorette! So many of my friends do, though!

  19. I have never watched the Bachelorette... seems like this might be a good season though.

  20. I don't hate Nick either but I'm not a big fan of his.I think he can be a little too moody.

  21. I've tried watching, but I always get bored and skip through all of it!

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  22. I don't watch the Bachelorette, but I love seeing the final episode. Thanks for the recap :)

  23. I've actually never seen the show, haha! Everyone I know seems to love it though

  24. I must confess that I've never watched this or the bachelor but everyone I know loves it soooooo I might have to catch up soon!

  25. Oh my goodness. I haven't watched this in so long. I have friends who can't wait for it to start each season. Guilty pleasures, we all have them!

  26. i've never seen a season of the bachelorette.. maybe an episode or two in passing.. i guess it's just not been my thing.. i def got obsessed with scandal when it was on tho. :)

  27. I haven't watched this show in such a long time. Its the sad part of getting rid of my cable TV and relying solely on netflix.


  28. I wasn't allowed to watch reality shows when I was younger and now that I'm an adult I haven't felt the urge to. But I had to watch The Bachelorette for a TV review site this past season and I got addicted! I agree, Marquel was my favorite before he left. Then Marcus was my favorite, and after he left I liked Chris, and after he left I was like, well... Josh is better than Nick, but still not really my type. I feel like him and Andi genuinely like each other and are really happy though. I do think it's weird that his family is obsessed with the little brother and it's a little incestual how much Andi looks like Josh's sister, but hopefully the two of them can forge their own path and make their own life together.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on the final decision, and are you watching Bachelor in Paradise?? I so am!


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