Sierra's View: A Letter to My Wife//Guest Post by Tanner

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Letter to My Wife//Guest Post by Tanner

T Money overtook my blog for today. I about lost it while reading this. He wouldn't let me read this until I posted it today. How perfect.

Sierra is unaware that I have hacked into her blog with the simple purpose of me posting this about her.

You see, I have been out of town for over a week on a business trip. While I may have one of the coolest jobs anyone could have and while, yes, my job presents great hours, scenery, experiences and fun... that does not take away how much I miss my wife when she is unable to join me on these trips.

Over the past week I have enjoyed Denver, and then the mountain rages between Canon City and Crested Butte. The scenery in the mountains around Cottonwood pass is simply breath taking, huge mountain tops, pine ranges, open fields, lakes and rivers. I am the type of person that always seems to be in a hurry. I have a huge love for the outdoor world and everything it has to offer (except bees I HATE bees) while I enjoy the outdoors and the scenery I look at it and say okay lets see the next thing. My wonderful wife Sierra moves at a slower pace than I do, taking everything around her in and simply enjoying those moments.  I decided that I would learn a lesson from her and take advantage the time that I had in the mountains of Colorado. I stopped the truck, got out and took pictures, and just breathed in the mountains around me.

Sierra has taught me so many things in our nearly one year of marriage.  As I sit here and try to put them on this page I cannot even comprehend how many things there really are.  I am going to list a few of my favorite things about my wife that have crossed my mind as I have been away from her.

The world deserves to see how incredible of a schoolteacher Sierra is. She has this ability with the kids that you just can’t learn in college. The way all of her students look up to her with respect but view her as a friend at the same time is amazing. She truly has a gift to teach, connect and bond with her students.

Sierra is a dreamer and a huge part of her dreams are the travels that she wants to take. Sierra and I both share a love for adventure and travel. Whether that be the random hikes and fishing trips I talk her into, the weekend getaways, camping, or even the countries we want to visit together.

She scratches my back at night to help me fall asleep, even when she is super tired.

She allows me to be me! Whether I spend the day and or night fishing, rock climbing or sitting on the couch she does not try to squash my favorite things to do, or discourage me from the new ones I want to try.

Do I even need to mention how beautiful she is? I mean, come on, people, she’s a total babe! Her hair, her smile, her booty… she’s a dime piece if there ever was one!

If you’ve never truly loved someone then you might not understand what I am saying here, but even through the times that I get so frustrated with myself, the world and particularly my wife, no matter what is said in anger, or how mean I act, I can’t get over how much I love Sierra. Our fights do not happen often. My wife is extremely kind hearted, loving and so good to me, but on those days no matter how upset I am, it does not over power the love that I feel for Sierra.

The mere fact that I married Sierra is a testament of how wonderful and special she is. Not that I’m a “huge catch” but I do tend to be very non-committal and somewhat of a drifter in mindset. I do not settle down easily, I did not intend on getting married and then Sierra walked into my life and changed me, not in a bad way. In fact change is the wrong word. Sierra bettered me. She made me see despite all the adventures and things I wanted to accomplish I didn’t have to do them alone, she showed me that they could be even better if I have her to share in those adventures and goals that I had.

Though we have no intention of having children any time soon I know that Sierra will make and incredible mother. She has patience and an understanding heart that continues to amaze me every day.

Not only is Sierra my dear sweet wife, she is also my very best friend in the whole wide world. Sierra is honestly one of the most loyal friends I have ever seen. She constantly is checking on her friends through phone calls, texts, meeting up with them as much as possible just to make sure they are doing well. She continues to do this even when it is not reciprocated the same way back to her. Relationships are so very important to her. There is no “half-assed” friendships with her. If you are her friend there is almost nothing that she wouldn’t do for you.

Obviously I could go on and on about Sierra. She is truly amazing in my eyes and I am so thankful for her in my life. We don’t have a perfect marriage and we certainly get in disagreements but at the end of the day, no matter what is going on, I know that I can count on her. She loves me and I know that. Even though we are such independent people we both rely on each other. As cliché as it is Sierra truly is my better half. She is my everything and I hope she knows how much I appreciate her and all that she does for me.  

Sierra, I love you and want to thank you for being my freaking cool wife!

To all of my Utah people: Happy Pioneer Day! Here's a holiday that is celebrated in Utah! Huzzah! Haha.


  1. how unbelievably sweet! i loved reading this letter.

  2. What a beautiful post! Blessings, love and happiness to you both!

  3. This seriously made me smile. This is such a cute post. Love it!!!

  4. That is so sweet!!!!!! How awesome!!!!!!

  5. For some reason... my last comment isn't showing up. If it appears delete this one... Anyway T-money is too cute talking about your hot booty! Happy almost anniversary!! :)

  6. Awww, this is so adorable!!! What a sweetie:)

  7. Such a beautiful post - may God always bless your marriage with abundance of happiness and love! <3

  8. This is the cutest thing I've seen all day :)

  9. This is the sweetest ever. T really is a huge catch, he's selling himself short!

  10. I am glad you have a husband that cares so much about you!

  11. I wish my hubby would do something like this. This is true love and romance :)

  12. this is too sweet! he's obviously very in love with you!


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