Sierra's View: My Personal Declaration of Independence.

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Friday, July 4, 2014

My Personal Declaration of Independence.

It's time, America.
It's the 4th of July! I hope you all have plans today to eat lots of crap, spend time with those you love, and celebrate living in this amazing country.
Sarah inspired me to do this post. And I am so glad I am! 

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

I have the right to eat anything I want without having someone tell me that it's unhealthy. It's my body. 

I have the right to sleep in until 10 am every morning in the summer if I want. I get 2 months of no children, people. #lifeofateacher 

I have the right to have my cup be 3/4 filled with crushed or pebbled ice, and the rest water or soda or juice. My drink. My choice. 

I have the right to be emotional. Even if it's not how others deal with problems. That's how I process. And that's okay.

I have the right to never to blow dry my hair in the summer. It's just way too hot. And with all of this hair? Yea, I would rather not sweat for an hour. 

I have the right to laugh at inappropriate, stupid, ridiculous things.

I have the right to not be pregnant and have children a year after being choice. Haha. 

I have the right to love my puppy, Saylor, as my own child right now. It's fine, judge me. 

I have the right to play 10 games of family feud on my phone. Every 2 hours.

I have the right to do what makes me happy. And if that's different than the things that make you happy, that's okay. 

I have the right to write this blog post! 

I am so grateful for this country that we live in. I am proud to be an American and I hope that we as people, and as citizens, remember the importance of the constitution and all the aspects our country is founded upon.  May we be kind, responsible, moral citizens of the United States. Happy 4th of July! 

What are some of your own personal Declaration of Independence thoughts?? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. love these! totally feel you on the dog one. i prefer dogs over babies for now and the foreseeable future! :)

  3. love this! Hope you had a great Independence day and that you got to sleep in until 10!

  4. Agreed on the blow drying! It's just too much heat! LOL

  5. This is such lovely post, Hope you had an amazing day :-)

  6. What a great post :) Hope you had a wonderful 4th July!

  7. I love it! You definitely have the rights to do everything you listed! Hope you had a wonderful 4th! <3

  8. Beautiful post, hope you a great 4th of July

  9. love this! hope you had a great 4th of July!

  10. Awesome! Such a fun spin! "I have the right to laugh at inappropriate, stupid, ridiculous things." <-- True! LOL!

  11. Great declaration of independance! I think it's almost perfect declarion to all of us! Happy Belated 4th of July to you!

  12. Hope you had a great 4th! Now I want to write one of these!

  13. I love this! I have the same feeling about crushed/pebbled ice. Its seriously the best!


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