Sierra's View: How To Have an Annoyingly, Hilarious, Hoity-Toity Preschool Graduation.

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Thursday, July 10, 2014

How To Have an Annoyingly, Hilarious, Hoity-Toity Preschool Graduation.

Yea, you read that title right.
So, this one time when I was home in Portland, I went to my niece's preschool graduation. Because, apparently having a 2 hour preschool graduation is a huge thing nowadays. At least, for Nike Graduation, it is.

I walked in, and I pretty much dropped to the floor.
You've got to be kidding me, I thought to myself.
Think: lights everywhere, decked out auditorium that was larger than my high school auditorium, hundreds of parents with their phones out, screaming for their children, etc. Are you with me yet?

So, yea...Here's what needs to happen if you would like to be an ostentatious, overzealous, hoity-toity parent who sends your child ages 3-5 to the most insane preschool ever, more specifically, have a preschool graduation that is (apparently my sister is one of these? Love ya Lex).

1. You need to make sure that that the stage is larger and nicer, with better lighting than your college auditorium.

2. You need to make sure that you have 50 parents taking photos and waving at their children incessantly. You will also need to make sure that people are yelling at their children as they are doing their graduation walk into the room with loud music blasting. (And it helps when your niece tries to cut in front of the line and you just laugh instead).

3. You will need to have a concert by a local singer who appeals to 3-5 year olds. He was quite the hit. His name? No idea. You will, also, need a live band on the side to play as well. Naturally.

4. You will need to make sure that there is a very professional-looking slideshow with music of all of the kids and their pictures. 

5. You will need to make sure that 5,000 preschool graduates are on stage singing the exact same song. (On the very large stage, remember. With lights and music--the whole sha-bang). You will also need to make sure that your niece is the only child really bouncing on stage. (Look closely in the second row. The little blonde curls bouncing up and down are hers. We love dancing, what can we say? Girl's got rhythm). 

6. You will need to make sure that you have both sets of grandparents, your parents, and two aunts at the event because they will spoil you and give you flowers and make you feel like a princess.  (pretty sure Brizzy was in heaven).

All in all, it was a great afternoon. No, seriously. Better than any graduation that I have been to. Not sure what that says. I feel like I was in an episode of Modern Family. I was looking around for Cameron and that little asian daughter of theirs the entire time….

My children are screwed.


  1. Oh my gosh, this is so ridiculously cute!

  2. Especially considering my preschool was in some lady's house hahaha

  3. Congratulations to your kindergarten grad! She's a wonderful little girl!

  4. How cool! My preschool graduation was typical. Caps, gown, "diploma" and teacher at podium. Not as glitzy as this! :)

  5. too cute!! Looks fancier than my high school graduation!!

  6. Wowzer!! You have set the precedent now. You will have to top this for ever subsequent graduation LOL.

  7. Looks like a nice graduation! My son was really excited for his and got to wear a tiny cap and gown. I still have it. :)

  8. Holy cow! That is an impressive graduation!

  9. hahaha wow, this is too impressive lol

  10. Congrats grad! That is quite the graduation!


  11. That is a crazy graduation for preschool!

  12. Oh. My. Gosh. I cannot believe a preschool graduation was such a big production! Congratulations to your niece!

  13. Thats a massive preschool graduation, it's a lot of little ones. But your niece looks love with her flowers :-)

  14. Better graduation than when I graduated high school... and college... but to be fair I didn't go to the second one. Seriously she even got more flowers than I did. NUTS!

  15. ahh, that sounds like something people who live around me would do. Congrats to your niece though!!

  16. So adorable! I wish my high school graduation was as cute and colorful as this!!!!

  17. Fancy! I've never seen anything like this for pre-school but more power to them!

  18. For pre-school?! That was nicer than my high school one in ways!

  19. Dying. This is crazier than my High School and COLLEGE graduation! haha

  20. She is SO cute! Also, I think over the top awesome preschool graduations is a thing now. I just went to one not too long ago and it was awesome haha :)

  21. THat was bigger than my hs graduation LOL


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