Sierra's View: 10 Places I Wish To Travel//Wanderlust.

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Friday, July 18, 2014

10 Places I Wish To Travel//Wanderlust.

I have been lucky enough to travel to many places throughout the past few years: Fiji, Puerto Rico, Kenya, etc. I know that I have had so many incredibly experiences that others don't even get to dream of in their lifetime. I am a daydreamer though. I dream of traveling the world, of gaining new experiences, meeting new people, and seeing the beautiful sites.

Pinterest doesn't really help either. I seriously have a problem, you guys. But I see all of these places and it makes my wanderlust even worse. Eight years ago, I made a top 10 list of places I would like to go to. Fiji was first. Africa was second. I have made my first two. But I now have added to more at the bottom. Enjoy :) (all photos via Pinterest--come follow!)

1// Greece. 

2// Thailand.

3// Croatia. 

4// Switzerland.

5// Paris, France. 

6. Vienna, Austria.

7//New Zealand. 


9// Iceland.


I have about 10 more places I want to add to my list… Haha.

What places do you dream of traveling to? 
Have you been to any of these places?


  1. I will go to Italy with you! But the number one place I want to go to is Dublin Ireland!

  2. These are all on my list as well. I have been to Paris once, but I want/need to go back! It's incredible!

  3. Greece and Italy are at the top of my list too!

  4. OOooohhhh you have so many of my favorite places on your list. Obsessed with some of these. Hey if you need a travel partner- I am IN!!! :)

  5. Wow! You've been to so many amazing places! :) The pictures you chose for this post are just beautiful. You are so right - Pinterest doesn't help! Haha! :) Italy is at the top of my list! I have family there! :)

    - Breanna

  6. My boyfriend and I joke about giving up college and traveling to all these beautiful places! Hopefully one day :)

  7. Italy, London, and Napa are my top!

  8. Out of these, I've been to Croatia, Paris, Italy and New Zealand. I had a stopover in Iceland (a very short one) and just flying over the country makes me want to visit it. It looks incredible!

  9. i would so go to all of these places! I'd also add London and Ireland to the list ;)

  10. I have the same list but instead of Argentina I have Brazil and Instead of Croatia I went to Lithuania/Germany in its place

  11. I totally want to go to all to all of these places! I think I want to go to France first, then London.

  12. These pictures are so stunning! Serious wanderlust after this post!

  13. Paris, Greece, and Italy are on my list too! Oh... I can dream of the day!

  14. All of those places! And Scotland... Ireland... I hope to one day travel all over the place!

  15. Haha, don't forget Cleveland, OHIO. JK ;)

  16. I want to go to all these places! Ahh I can never narrow it down. I guess I'll start with the U.S first and work my way out

  17. These are on my list too. We should become traveling couple friends, yeah?

  18. My list is forever growing! I definitely want to get to Iceland soon!! Thanks for sharing - Shane sent me :)

  19. I am a traveler. I like to travel a lot of places all over the world. This world is really a beautiful place. I also love these places. But I really want to put Jamaica in my list as I have recently traveled there and enjoyed a lot the natural beauty also. My Tours in Jamaica was a short one but was something most memorable in my life also.


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