Sierra's View: Nothing Better than an Ice Cold Coke, I Tell Ya!

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Friday, July 11, 2014

Nothing Better than an Ice Cold Coke, I Tell Ya!

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.

I hate to admit it, but I love a nice, cold Coca Cola bottle on a hot summer day.
I keep trying to kick this habit. But OH MY GOSH. Sometimes an Ice Cold Coke is just what hits the spot. You know what I mean?
As many of you might have seen on my Instagram and Twitter, I teamed up with #CollectiveBias and Coke's #ShareitForward campaign to attend a local demo at Walmart last week. I was soooooo stoked. I absolutely love that these cans have fun names on them like "BFF" and "Star" while the 20 oz bottles have actual names on them! We found these in the soda section near a register near checkout.

I had an awesome Sunday Summer BBQ dinner with my in laws. We decided to make some delicious Bacon Burgers and drink these yummy Cokes. It was a fun afternoon with good food, good family and good fun! I was especially excited to find a specific bottle that said, "Jack" on it--which is my brother in law's name. He loved it too, actually :) I am so grateful for good, kind, supportive in laws. What a blessing! 

Go Share a Coke with someone today! 


  1. Love that sizzle when you open a bottle. Looks like you had a great time too!

  2. Yes agreed! Coke always hits that spot like no salad ever could haha.

  3. the new personalized cans and bottles are so cute! looks like a good meal :)

  4. Those cans are so cool! Looks like you had a lot of fun!

  5. Coke is so good. It even makes me feel good when I drink it. But it is so horribly bad for us LOL.

  6. Do they have any that say Joe?!?! This is his favorite drink!

  7. eeek! I don't drink coke but I've been dying to find one with my name on it. my boyfriend JUST sent me a text that he found one. I feel like I've won the lottery...well...not really but so cool! Looks like you had a ton of fun!

  8. LOVE THIS IDEA! Love Coca Cola!!

  9. I'm a die hard Diet Coke drinker so was bummed to hear they didn't have my name :(

  10. Love the idea too, love jack's smile clearly he was super happy. Now you gone and killed me with that deliciously looking burger

  11. Bacon burgers and coke?! Sign me up! I love the 'star' cans!

  12. I love the coke cans with names. My name will not be on one because it's not common.

  13. Those cans are so cute - I will have to see if they have them up here!

  14. Coke always hits the spot, for sure! I try to drink it ONLY when the "craving" occurs. These are so adorable! <3

  15. Oh yes. I'm with you. I love an ice cold coke. I actually saw these for the first time the other day a t BBQ. It said Stephanie on it and my friend was walking around forever trying to find Stephanie. I thought it was pretty cute.


  16. I love that they started putting names on the packaging.

  17. I love this campaign. It was running in Denmark last year and they had vending machines where you can customize a can. I snuck a bottle back with my son's name on it. :)

  18. Who doesn't love an ice cold coke, YUM! I love the names on the bottles- so fun.

  19. I love this! And I love your coke cups, they're some of my favorite cups!!

  20. i love drinking a cold coke, feels like heaven

  21. I just did this for my dad! I love these!

  22. Their new bottles are SO fun! Now if only they had my name lol!


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