Sierra's View: Sometimes, I Wear Actual Clothes...

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Friday, June 29, 2012

Sometimes, I Wear Actual Clothes...

....but very rarely.
Side story: When I was a little girl, I hardly wore clothes. My family had a few acres in California so the need for clothes was pointless, right? I would ride around in my little toy jeep in the nude. I'd wear a swimsuit or underwear on a good day. I would scream when my mom would try to brush my hair or put clothes on me for school. I was a free spirit, okay? It's fine. Don't judge. Anyway, I kind of feel like that habit, if you will, has transpired to my current living state because I hate getting ready in the morning. I'm all about the au natural look. However, don't get me wrong, I do love clothes. A lot. I love the creativity and colors that you can mix and match. I love that I have found my personal style and am totally working it! I just don't have the energy, time, or money to follow through on it sometimes, ya know? 

I won this beautiful necklace from Cheerfully Charmed on Ashley's blog: Hudson's Happenings!!
Guys, I never win anything. Ever.
So, naturally, I was so fuh-reaking excited!!!
I put on actual clothes to show that I do love clothes and do actually have an okay fashion sense.
Thank you, thank you. I do what I what I can.

just kidding. Just instragram.
Come follow me! @sisiainge

See, this is why I love blogging.
Free, awesome jewelry?
The forcing to put on cute clothes?
AND make blogging friends?

Happy weekend!!!
Guess what?
I'M GOING TO OREGON for the 4th of July. BRB.


  1. I love the color of the necklace. And that skirt is A-dor-ble

  2. You look SMASHING, my friend!! So glad you won...and I LOVE the turquoise color!! Yippeee! Happy Weekend!!

  3. AHHH i am ordering that asap!!! i saw it recently and i just LOVE it (plus its literally 1/3 of the price of the jcrew one!)

    loving your blog as well!

    1. yes i am!!!! i would love to have you as a follower as well :)

      ps this necklace purchase is just majorly contributing to my online shopping addiction. oops!

  4. You look so great! Just found your blog :) I adore your skirt!
    Amy xo

  5. riding around nude in a jeep sounds grand this time of year. especially w temperatures reaching 105 in chicago ;)

  6. so darling and LOVE the necklace!

  7. Love the necklace... it's one of my favorite colors in that necklace. When I was a kid I wore underwear (with the ruffles on the butt) and flip flops. I grew up in the Philippines so most of the people around us were my relatives. I stomped around in just that... flip flops and underwear with ruffles on the butt and made quite a name for myself. Now when I go to visit people will say, "You're the little one that walked around in her underwear." Awesome. Visiting from WIWW link up.


  8. Where did you get that skirt?? I want one just like it...



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