Sierra's View: Dear Me {7} :

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dear Me {7} :

I totally forgot to write my Dear Me Letters last week! My mind has been a wee bit preoccupied so we will be doing it on a Tuesday now! Hooray! (I'm sure you were all super upset about it, huh?)

Dear Me,
Don't listen to Adele. Stay far away from her right now. It will only make this entire situation with him even more difficult.

Dear Me,
hahahahahahahahaha. every day.

Dear Me,
You do your best writing at night. You also do your most dramatic writing at night. But sometimes those things correlate, right? No? 

Dear Me,
You get to new meet new bloggy friends at the meet up tonight! Who's going to be there? I am excited!

Dear Me,
You voted today. Are the rest of you proud? YOU'RE AN AMERICAN, DAMN IT. (sorry mom)

Dear All of You,
As you can tell from that last sentence, I have no filter right now. I don't know what it is happening, but  I am being overtaken my apathy and sarcasm. Ahhhhh. NBD. 

Dear Me, 
You don't know who you love on the Bachelorette! Arie is just sweet. Sean is hot. And Jef is so cool. This is a real issue, people. Do we know which one Emily likes the most? 

Dear Me,
You are obsessed with this word. It's fun to say. It's a great movie. It has an incredible meaning. It reminds you that good things happen, even in the midst of difficult times. Good things always happen. Everything happens for a reason as well. 

Dear Me,
You are so emotional. Quit it. 

Dear Me,
It's too hot. You know I shouldn't complain. But whatevs. 95 is too hotttttttt. 

Dear Me,
Remember how awesome your friends and family are? They have been amazing the past few days. Be grateful for them. 

Dear Me,
You go home to Portland in three days. HOLLA. 

Dear Me,

Other Letters to Myself:

Write your own Dear Me Letters!
Only rule: Please put this button at the end of your post!
You are welcome to say my name or link them back here too. 
*Copy the html code and paste it into your post.  Click the enter button to link up.

Oh, Just Living the Dream


  1. You crack me up. I don't care if you have a filter or not! Seriously. I don't one bit. Also I like dramatic writing. There's probably a correlation.

  2. I like you! Can't wait for tonight! We can't all have filters all the time- then we would just be plain boring

  3. I am obsessed with the word Twat Waffle. Say it with me, Twat Waffle. Okay, done.

  4. You're weird. And yes, dramatic. But I suppose that's why your blog is so entertaining to read... <3


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