Sierra's View: Social Media Brings Out the Best In Me...

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Social Media Brings Out the Best In Me...

These are the most recently tagged photos of me on Facebook.

My mom called me the other day and got (I swear she was being serious) mad at me for being so photogenic. I am here to prove to her that I do take bad pictures.

I know, it's a rough life for the beautiful picture-taking people in this world.
Can I get an Amen? 
(insert sarcastic eye roll here)

Okay, so I had to show you a couple more instagram pictures (for documental purposes, okay? My blog. My rules.)

I know I haven't really posted anything deep or introspective lately.
I think it's because my brain is overrun with school work.
Love me anyway?
I have so many things I want to write. Just haven't put them down.
I just have been busy:

watching NBA Finals games
getting free massages from Candace (love you!)
going to the temple
taking long runs/walk in the beautiful sunshine
skyping. a lot.
homework. a lot. 
Rough life, huh? ;)

Don't worry, folks, I am still a little intense. 

If they win tonight, this weekend and next weekend are going to be the best weekends of my life.
More on that later...


  1. I feel as though I have seen those "come as you are" t-shirts. a lot. is it possible we are neighbors?
    I'm saying that we probably are.

    1. p.s. I'm totes your 200th follower. that's cool to me.

  2. LOL! Your "bad" photos are still a million times more photogenic than most of my good ones! Cameras just do not like me! :O

  3. I'm with your mom. You don't take a bad photo.

  4. I was really excited to see really bad photos of you. I am still waiting... the only one even close is that one with you and the anonymous bride. Just because it kind of looks like you have swallowed a thorn.

  5. GIRL. You are ALWAYS so cute. ;) Hope you've had a happy weekend! xo

  6. even when making silly faces, you're still photogenic! :D

    <3, Mimi
    $100 Shopbop Gift Card Giveaway -- Open internationally!

  7. so cute!!

    also, im so sad the celtics lost. ughghghgh!! hahaha


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