Sierra's View: Dear Me {6}:

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Dear Me {6}:

Dear Me,
You spent the entire weekend with this guy.

That's all you get, blog world. 

Dear Me, 
You officially need to wear a shirt that says, "I have a paper to write, but you want to do something fun anyways?" 
You have so many papers and assignments to be doing, but you cannot focus.
Talk about a procrastinator, woman!
I'm definitely a "play before work" kind of person.
But don't worry, I always get my work done. And well. Pinky promise. 

Dear Me,
Remember this.

You truly love being there for people. So, be there for them. It's a blessing that they are turning to you when they are struggling. It means they trust, love and respect you. 
Love this quote. 

Dear Me,
You are completely overwhelmed with where to start when it comes to decorating your classroom (in case you forgot). Get those creative juices flowing. But don't worry, you got this.

Dear Me,
Be grateful for your friends. They are wonderful. They get you and love you for all your random comments, idiosyncrasies, laughs, and stupid jokes. 

Dear Me,
Look! Pinterest works!
A cool picture of my hair.
Channeling the inner Katniss in me. 
How blogger-esque of me, huh?
And guess what? 
An outfit post AND a vlog are coming soon.
Moment of silence. 

Dear Me,
That is all. 


Write your own Dear Me Letters!

Only rule: Please put this button at the end of your post!
You are welcome to say my name or link them back here too. 
*Copy the html code and paste it into your post.  Click the enter button to link up.

Oh, Just Living the Dream



  1. dear you, school schmool, come visit arkansas and hang by the pool with my crazies. p.s. he's nice to look at. hope he's nice to you. love the braid.

  2. That braid is amazing! So pretty! I'm going to have to try that one.

  3. Love that quote! Thanks for sharing!

  4. your hair looks great, i love it!!! you look so pretty! :D

    <3, Mimi

  5. i can't believe you did that to your hair! it's not just pinterest, you've got talent!


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