Sierra's View: Oh, the Ideas of 4th Graders...

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Oh, the Ideas of 4th Graders...

As many of you already know, I spend so much of my time in my classroom laughing hysterically. I have a class full of rowdy, rambunctious, opinionated boys and girls. It is very tiring, but my goodness, they say and do the funniest things. They take after their hilarious teacher ;)

My students sort of have this obsession with me getting married. I'm still not entirely sure why, since we have only talked about it once. Apparently this is my future husband though? I let my students doodle during read aloud, and once we finished, a student of mine approached me with this picture. K, least he has a 12 pack. right? 

Remember how I let my students do crafts during read aloud?
Maybe I should stop....
because this is the kinda crap, er, creative art, I mean.... they come up with. 

"Miss Ainge, look, you're the background of my tablet!!"
I felt so many emotions, guys. Flattered? Scared? 
Haha love it. 

Okay, are you ready for this y'all? 
For MLK day, we talked about Martin Luther King and what his "dream" was and how he helped our country. 
So, I had my students write their own dreams. 
I'm gonna leave it at that. You, my dears, just enjoy these HILARIOUS responses. 

"I have a dream..."
Yep. you read that right

Haha this one kills me!

Okay, well...

At least he's realistic, right?

Ope there is the marriage word. 

ha. ha. hahahaha. Apparently my students think China is in need?

I just about cried when I read this one. 

That families will exept black people.
1. Spelled accept wrong.
2. hahahahahahahahahaha

#onlyinutah #areyoumormon

K I am pretty sure that I didn't even know houses were paid for at 10 years old.
Oh my goodness! 
Oh man, they crack me up. 
I love my students so much.
My job is better than yours. 


  1. I love your future husband's abs :)

  2. Aww! These make me miss teaching. Not enough to leave my sahm gig, but almost. But my high schoolers weren't always giving as cute of answers, either. ;)

  3. LOL I love your hashtags in these! Hilarious. But Joshua is a little confused about taxes... someone needs to tell him that no one is going to kill him! lol

  4. Your job is most definitely better than mine! By a long shot! Those are hilarious. It's interesting that taxes and China were such big concerns for them. But the basketball player/airsoft gun war one is totally my favorite.


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