Sierra's View: LINK UP Bachelor Thoughts: Sean's Season {Episode 6}

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

LINK UP Bachelor Thoughts: Sean's Season {Episode 6}

Good News, Friends!!! 
I have decided to make this a button only link up party!
 I have been reading SO many Bachelor posts and I thought--Hey! Why not? Let's all get in on the drama, eh?
Here are the rules: 

1. Follow Oh, Just Living the Dream. 
2. Put the Bachelor button at the end of your post and somewhere in your blog link it back to mine! Easy enough, eh?
3. Leave a comment telling me that you linked up!!!! 

Oh, yea. 

Oh, Just Living the Dream

First things first, if you are completely lost then go check out my other Bachelor posts.
Beware: These are brutally honest and quite mean. But it's fine...this show is all fake. blah blah blah)
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
(didn't do first two episodes. DON'T HATE ME).

---AshLee's One on One Date---

I hate how AshLee spells her name--with the capital L. There is no need for the Lee to be capitalized. No need at all. It's like when those Utah girls spell their name: Lyndzey or Chasdidee. Just capitalization at the beginning of the name. That's all we want.
*sorry to those of you who spell your name like this. I still love you. It's not you, it's me. 

"This is the best, most fun date I have had so far...."-Sean
So far? As in that day? Haha. What does he mean by that? Haha

Is she Mormon? (jk. that's not funny.) 

Sean's thoughts as she is telling him that: ... "Cool. You were an idiot at 17. Who wasn't? I mean the rest of us just like had alcohol or made out with the opposite sex...but get married? Sure why not? It's whatevs. She likes marriage. SO that's neat. I want to get married. I mean, yea, that's kinda weird. But you're hot. And obsessed with me. So that's all that matters. "

Whoa, they are screaming. That's unnecessary. And completely random.

She just screamed that she loved Sean? Why is she yelling at him? I feel like that is not a normal way to tell someone that you love them...
See what I mean. So emotional and over the top. 

Hmmm, I'm gonna say it. I don't like Ashlee. I mean she's no Tierra, but I'm just not in love with her. (Not that I would actually be in love with her...) She is too vulnerable and emotional. She's too serious. I think it's probably her age--I feel like she's almost a little too desperate to get married. Does that make sense?

--Tierra's One on One Date---

"He bought me some of the most incredible things you can buy on the first date.

Uh oh, Tierra is gonna start dancing with these parade people. I can feel it.
CALLED IT. Oh man, I so called it.

"Tierra has a great personality..."-Sean
Tierra has a crazy personality, Seany boy. Use your brain for 3 seconds.

This date is BORING.
I'm bored. Where's Tierra's drama?  At least it made things interesting.

Ope, here we go... Finally, Tierra. I was just waiting. Bring the drama. Bring it, darling.

Note: Commercial--Are you the next contestant for The Bachelor or Bachelorette? 
YES. Put me on. I would make this show interesting, you have no idea. 
But like good interesting. Not like Tierra interesting. 

"I feel like I'm behind in the game..."
There's your problem, girlfran.... you think its a game!!!

Oh man, she is so good. She is so smooth, that Tierra girl.

"She's probably not nice to the other women, but it's good to know that she is here for me."-Sean
Dear Sean, 
When women treat other women sh** that is usually a good indicator of their character. How do you think your wife is going to survive when you are not around when she treats other women like Tierra does all of the time?
Again, use the other head, my dear, blonde, Sean. 

---Group Date: Catherine, Lindsay, and Desiree---

"I just need to pee and I'm good to go."- Catherine.
Catherine, YES.  I love you. I wish her and Sean were more into each other. Cause she seems so real. And awesome. Haha. I think he likes her, just not as much as the other girls.

I love this sunrise/sunset date!!!! It would be so much fun.

"It seems like Desiree and Sean are on their own date. It's hard to sit back and watch them connect"-Catherine.
...But that sucks to sit back and watch two people connect, while you just hang out. I know that feeling! You don't want to be overbearing, but you want to connect with the guy, too. Blah.

Lindsay is not very cute when she has wet hair. Wow. Whooooooa. Harsh, I know. (And that's saying something cause I am like anti makeup half of the time! aha). She has definitely grown on me. I don't hate her, but I still think she is very annoying.

Leslie is hilarious. Like, I feel like I would be her best friend. Is she ready for a deep relationship? Absolutely not. She's too young. Or at least acts really young.

You know what is so hard about can't really see who he likes. He does not really put himself out there with all of these girls. I honest couldn't tell you who he likes the most. I have no idea who is going home this week. Seems so weird. 

Ope, well there is my answer. He doesn't know who he likes the most. There's your problem, Sean. 

This season is weird for me. I don't like any of these girls except Desiree. I mean, I don't hate any of them (except Tierra of course!) but I just don't LOVE anyone except Desiree. Is this just me?

Less tongue, Sean. Let's keep working on your kissing, babe. I mean, I'd be willing to help. That is, if you don't shove your tongue down my throat. (TMI?)

Catherine hasn't made eye contact with Sean once while telling him that awful story about her father. Hmmmm.... This is clearly very difficult for her to tell. Yikes.

Why is Desiree crying when talking about her family? I feel like that's kinda weird. I mean, I love my family and they mean everything to me, but I don't think I would cry when talking about him. I only cry  when I'm talking negatively about my family. Hahaha.  Eh, I am just being cynical. Sorry. That's actually super sweet. Good for her.

Dang...I'm bummed that Lindsay got the rose. She's my least favorite on this date. Boooooo.

I am not feeling the love on this season. At all. From anyone. Ya know?
It's becoming more and more fake--it just seems like a bunch of people are going on dates and that's it. Like no emotion or passion or love.

Sean doesn't seem genuine. At all. Hmph.

----One on One Date with Leslie--- 

Loooove Leslie's pink skirt. Totes adorbs. haha.

I don't think Leslie is cute. How terrible am I?! She has weird eyes and weird makeup taste. What's with the bright purple?

....that was an awkward conversation. All I could focus on was her purple eyeshadow.

I bet Leslie goes home. Calling it now.

There we go!! There's less tongue!!! Yay, Sean! You're learning!!! woooo talk about sexual tension between these two.

"Who's for me? Who's not? I don't know."-Sean
Here's your solution, Sean: PRAY ABOUT IT. #mormon


"Don't end up with a girl that no one likes."

"I hope when I am 32 years old, that I have a family and am not sitting around and gossiping with 20 year old girls..."- Tierra to AshLee. Woooo low blow. She kind of has a point, though. I hate her, but I can kinda see it. That was a low blow though.

Tierra cannot have a normal conversation. She can't just sit down and talk and be open and realize where other people are coming from.

"Girls are just jealous...guys love me!"Ha. Oh geez.

K, this is the second best line of the show this year so far.
hahahahahahaha. Kills me.

Just send Tierra home already. Goodness gracious!

"Tierra you have a sparkle. Don't let those other girls diminish that sparkle. That's what my parents said."-Tierra
Does "sparkle" mean an evil curse? Hahaha. 

Why does Tierra have a tattoo on her wedding ring finger? Hmmm seems suspicious. Somebody explain that to me...

K, it is always somebody ...It was Robyn, now it's Ashlee. Doesn't Sean see that Tierra is at the center of it all?

Wow Tierra is a freaking good manipulator. Makes me sick to my stomach.

YES SEAN, YES!!!!! YOU USED YOUR BRAIN. YAYYYY!!!!!! Tierra is going home!!! I am so excited!!!! Haha.
"She's been really emotional since the beginning. She's an emotional mess."
Oh really Sean. Dur dur dur. 

Seeing the camera crew all over the place is a good reminder how fake this show is. Haha. 

----Rose Ceremony---

Oh, I love AshLee's yellow dress. Different but still stylish, feminine, and fun!

"I had a moment of clarity and I knew she wasn't going to be my wife. I knew Tierra was a source of drama, and just to make sure you all know, that is not something that I look for in a wife."--Sean.
Amen, boy, Amen.

His sister must have really helped him make his decision because homeboy is completely sure of what he wants!

Dude he is finally making up his mind! Yay! Good for him.

"I have given him every ounce of me..."Ashlee.
That's what I'm talking about--her dramatic phrases. Uh, girl, no you have not. All once a week for a few moments that you have with him? That is not giving him every ounce of you, honey. Ugh, sooooo emotional

AshLee is clearly not going home because they keep showing her. They are trying to play it up. Duh.
Told you.

Oh my gay, enough of these cheesy, over the top phrases from AshLee. Stoppppppppp.
Apparently Sean likes the vulnerability though. Because Ashlee has been super vulnerable with him and he keeps her. But because Leslie wasn't vulnerable and open on the last date, he is sending her home. Maybe we are seeing more emotion from him!!!!

Whoa Catherine...where did that come from? What are you talking about? Where is this all coming from? I'm so confused!!!!! Whoa, she obviously thinks she should go home. Wow. Mind blown.
I want to know more what's going on with Catherine. That was super random and very confusing. What???

Well, folks, til next time.


  1. bahaha. ok, this is awesome.
    I was laughing with every line.
    especially the PRAY ABOUT IT one.
    I did my recap today, and I just couldn't get over the eyebrow. dying dying dying every time I think about it.

    also, I just barely found out that Tierra's Eyebrow AND Tierra's Sparkle both have their own Twitter accounts. You can bet I'm following them both.

  2. i am SO glad and he finally sent tierra home! she was giving me anxiety!

  3. Oh my goodness, love this! It's basically a play by play of exactly what I was thinking watching that episode! Sooo glad the Tierrorist finally went :-)

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