Sierra's View: Preferred Pins

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Friday, August 29, 2014

Preferred Pins

Thanks to Andrew for this blog title.
I spent a good few minutes trying to think of a P word.
It's Friday. Which means my brain is dead. Don't judge me.
As many of you know, I am a Pinterest addict.
I actually have gotten so much better recently. It's a miracle!!!!

But, here are some of my Preferred Pins from recently.
These photos are so magical, cute, fun, funny and just pinteresty. Yay!

Come follow me on Pinterest!

1 comment:

  1. That doorway is beautiful, I love it! Quick comment on the group text e-card. One year when we were dealing with infertility I got stuck with incoming group texts from my in laws. They started discussing a family member's pregnancy, how exciting it was, ya know the works... Pretty sure that was the worst day ever!!!!!!


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