Sierra's View: I Guess I Will Attempt...

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I Guess I Will Attempt...

Well, I'm posting my goals.
But, well, let's be honest, I probably won't keep them. Ha.
I can try though, right?
In all seriousness though, after going through my 2013 Year in Review post, I kept thinking of more and more goals I wanted to make. After much thought, I have narrowed them down to my top 10 (maybe with a couple extra bonus ones. Extra credit, ya know?) for the 2014 year. (I still can't believe it's 2014. What the!)

*Get a puppy? (Maybe? No? This one isn't entirely realistic, but a girl can dream.) 
*Read a: church book, a self help book (either to do with teaching, my mental health, or marriage), and a book for fun at all times. Gotta keep those brain cells working! 
*Minimize soda. I'm trying, guys. Really. I wanted to make this a new years goal by completely eliminating it but I wanted my goals to be actually something I can achieve. It is something that I am making a concerted effort at it though. 

Last, but not least, my motto/words for the 2014 year is: 

I have mentioned this before, but I am not exactly the most positive person in the world. I tend to have a  habit to think/see the bad and that turns into a negative cycle. I am going to work on being positive! Will you guys keep me in check?

Here goes nothing.


  1. Loved reading this! :) p.s. I want a puppy too...!! My hubby and I are both allergic. I mean, that is just. wrong.

  2. Loved reading this! I have some of the same goals myself. I find that when we post about our goals we feel more accountable to them then if we just keep them to ourselves. YOU CAN DO IT :)!

  3. I think you should definitely get a puppy, every married couple needs one ;)

  4. Ooh, I love how you designed your resolutions. So cute! Also, I just stumbled upon your blog from Crowley Party and I love what I've read. Now following :)

    I look forward to reading more!


  5. Yoga and being positive are great ones!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  6. awesome goals! Im excited to talk to you about them tonight!!


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