Sierra's View: If You Really Knew Me...

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

If You Really Knew Me...

A long time ago, I posted one of these. I think it was about time that I bring it back. This is probably more for me, than you all. Nothing better than really getting to know people though, right? Enjoy!

If you really knew me, you'd know: 

...I may be the least flexible person in my bikram yoga class. Yet, I love it so incredibly much. It centers my chi, ya know? #wheremyoregonhippiesat

…If I could be famous, I would. I would leave everything and go be an actress or singer. Not even for the money. Just so that I could do either of those two things.

…my career as a 6th grade teacher literally gives me more purpose than you can imagine. yes, I hate waking up in the morning. But those kids give me so much joy and meaning.

….my family frustrates the hell out of me. Eh, who's doesn't though, ya know?

… I am the dorkiest teacher on the planet. I crack jokes CONSTANTLY. And most of the time my 6th graders laugh. Yet, sometimes they tend to just look at me with a very concerned look. This is entirely because my jokes are so incredibly witty it is beyond their intelligence, of course.

... I don't do my hair. Ever. In fact, I think that this may be causing an issue. With who? I'm not sure. But maybe I'll start straightening or curling my hair one of these days. K, all I'm saying is that 7 am monday-friday is too early for a girl like me. This girls likes…no, NEEDS her sleep.

... I watch the Bachelor so that I can psycho analyze these cray cray girls and brain type them and they can't get mad at me. Like my friends, coworkers, family, etc. do….

…I feel incredibly inadequate at blogging parties. That's all I have to say about that.

… I lived in Africa in the summer of 2011. I miss it still. Every day. Thanks to this trip, I now want a black baby. But, ya know, that can't really happen since my husband is blonde and blue eyed. So am I. Unrealistic expectations is what Africa gave me, I tell ya.

…if I were to get a tattoo, I would get one on the inside of my wrist saying something bad ass like "change the world" or something cliche like that.

….I think really inappropriate things are funny. And really stupid jokes. Like this. I almost died.
It just about killed me.

… I'm really emotional. SURPRISE. WHO KNEW. 

…I peed my pants bowling one time. Dead serious. 8th grade. I stepped up to bowl and I fell completely backwards on my butt. I was laughing so hard I peed my pants. Not even embarrassed. It's fine. I had a lot of friends then. 

…I could probably watch You've Got Mail every day. You think I'm kidding… When The Cranberries comes on as she's walking down the New York streets…ahhhh best moment ever. (Speaking of which, someone stole it, or a misplaced it (probably the latter) and I haven't watched it for months. I'm dying a little bit.)

…I miss singing and bonding with my dear friends in LDC (Mormon Choir) so much it hurts sometimes.

…I got married almost 6 months ago. Part of me feels like it was yesterday and the other part of me feels like time just flew by. Marriage has taught me a lot about myself: my strengths, my weaknesses, and all of the good and bad between. There definitely have been some hard days, but like anything worth it takes hard work. 

.. I love anything vintage classic. Home decorations, clothes, etc. My entire wedding was based off of this love (see above picture). I used Geanne Genevieve Vintage Event Rentals and I LOVED them. It was the perfect fit for my wedding and so incredibly cheap. All my Oregon homegirls looking for this style for a wedding, party, etc, look her up. Her website is here. She was the sweetest girl in the world--awesome to work with. 

...I have suffered from clinical depression since I was 14. I am not ashamed of it; nor do make it seem like it's no big deal. It is something I struggle with constantly. Come read my most recent post on it.  

…I got a booty that doesn't stop. Literally. That's why Beyonce and I are best friends.

I want to live in San Diego when I grow up. Which has me question, when does "grow up" become…. "grown up". Cause I'm technically grown up, but I'm not grown up. So when do I get to grow up and be a grown up and live in San Diego? Make sense?

…Sometimes I look at memes when I'm sad and literally laugh out loud to myself. This is a normal occurrence.

…I am a pinterest addict.

…I married a man who is the most patient, kind, and loving person on the planet. He is not perfect by any means, but I honestly believe the Lord placed Tanner in my life for a reason. He deals with my crap and loves me in spite of it. (and he writes me sweet things like this!)

……….I don't have anything else to say. Til next time we do this.
(Which will probably be in another year cause I'll most likely forget)


  1. I teach fourth grade and I never do my hair either!!! Haha sleep is so much more important.

  2. Same with the hair, I never do my hair! I let it air dry then up in a ponytail it goes. I just like sleep too much & the extra 10 I can snag are so worth it!
    Can I say I envy your career! I want to be a secondary educator so badly but alas I still have a couple of years of school left because I can teach school. I just want to skip being in school so I can teach it. ;)
    It was nice getting to know you a little bit better through your blog!

  3. It honestly surprises me with each post that you write just how similar we are. This definitely proved it even further ;)

  4. I can't believe you have more than 17,000 pins!!! haha I love this, and am totally going to do this on my blog... eventually.

  5. Ha! I feel SO inadequate at blogging parties too!!! So funny! :)

  6. I love how real you are! we need more of that :) you're cool in my book. haha if that counts for anything!!


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