Sierra's View: Guest Post: Sheila from The FailteHouse

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Guest Post: Sheila from The FailteHouse

Dear Friends. This is Sheila from the FailteHouse. She and her blog are wonderful. Keep reading. You won't regret it. Go check her out! I am over writing on her blog today, too. ENJOY. 


Hi There! I am Sheila from The FailteHouse and I am so excited and honored to be over here posting on the lovely Sierra’s blog J  Just trying to live the dream with her ;)   I usually do a Thankful Thursday post, but we put our heads together and decided to spice things up with a fun Thankful Tuesday post on the 20 things we are grateful for!  And because letter’s are awesome….

Dear Gratitude,
 I tend to go hours and sometimes days without thinking about you.  But I wanted you to know I am thankful for so much and just because my little heart can get to focused on things of this world, does not mean you are forgotten.  I am trying to focus on you more… 
On things such as this little computer I am typing to you on, I forget everyone is not blessed with technology.  A family that is supportive of all my little dreams and always there to listen. Friendships that grow and bloom no matter how far apart we are in this world. Weather that surprises me every day with bursts of sunshine, even when it rains.  Palm trees that constantly decorate my front yard and commute to work.  Little kids sticky fingers and sweet hugs. A growing family with new births and marriages on the horizon. Easter candy that still sits so nicely in our candy jar, so I can eat a peace every single day!  Fellowship and a strong community that is constantly close by to encourage and support.  Legs that are learning to like running. A smile that is learning joy can be found anywhere.  A body that is toughing it out and keeping up with cross-fit (laziness you are still not welcome here).  My roommate’s tiny new puppy that could win the cutest puppy contest ;)  Letter’s that always find their way into my mailbox, and remind the magic of a handwritten letter.   Country dancing, yup I said it.  Drinking H2O after a long run. Weekends for sleeping in, until the sun forces me up.  A job that has blessed me with great friendships.  Books that keep opening new doors (C.S. Lewis, you are amazing).  And these are just a few of the things I am thankful for….and I can’t forget this blogland community.  Your support and encouragement keep me writing J

I would love to hear some of the things you are thankful for. You know those things we see or do daily and take them for granted. 
Have a wonderful Tuesday, and if you are feeling extra great today, come stop over at The FaileHouse.  I would love to hear from you!


  1. Holy cute dog! I was intrigued with the photo and will definitely go over to her blogster! She's also very wonderful and pointing out all the things we really have to be grateful for!

  2. cute dog!

  3. Hi Miki and Nav - thanks so much for reading and I am about to run into my roommates room and tell you love her new puppy :)


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