Sierra's View: Books, Books, Books!

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Books, Books, Books!

Hello friends.
Finals has been quite stressful the past few days. I feel like my college textbooks are overpowering any other book in my entire life. 
However, I was lucky enough to find textbooks that were more than 50% off online. 
I feel like I have to spend my entire life savings when buying silly textbooks. Luckily, I found this site!!

Introducing Campus Book Rentals: A company that allows you to rent your textbooks for a fraction (save 40-90%) of the price with free shipping each way! You can rent textbook for a semester or even longer. You can set your own rental times and you can even write in the actual books. 

I promise this site is AWESOME. They have helped me save hundreds of dollars on textbooks over the past few years. 

And if you don't believe me, here's an example:

See this book:

List Price: 182.95$

Campus Book Rental Price: 37.62$ (for an entire semester!)

Also, Not only does this site allow you to save money on textbooks, but it also donates money to a child with clef-palate for Operation Smile. 

"So for EVERY book rented starting now, we will donate a portion of those proceeds to Operation Smile with our sights set on meeting and exceeding our goal of 1,000 lives changed. So add that extra book to your cart, and consider this goal as you go back to school this year. Thank you for your support."
-- Campus Book Rentals

Check out this site today!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I always used Chegg, it's so cheap and next I'd had to the classifieds. I will have to check this site out too. Thanks for the advice!


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