Sierra's View: Easter Sunday Thoughts.

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday Thoughts.

Well, the Easter bunny didn't come to my apartment today.
(Oh, the joys of being a single female and essentially living alone).
But I woke up to sunshine and spent the morning at church with my brother. And that's an equivalent happiness, in my opinion.
As I was sitting there next to Landon, I realized how grateful I am to have a brother who is so close to me in age. I am grateful for the many years of fighting, screaming, playing, and loving. I have a connection with my brother that is unlike any other relationship in my life. I can go weeks without seeing him and when we reunite, things are exactly where we left them beforehand. We couldn't be more different, but we are blood and sometimes that's all that matters. He is one of the kindest people I have ever met. He has never judged me for my stupid mistakes. In fact, he usually just laughs at me when I'm being stupid. He has given me blessings when I have been ill (emotionally and physically). Yes, ladies, he is single. ;)
Later, I am going over to the Charlesworth's for dinner, egg-dying, and Easter traditions. They are so good to me. I am grateful for their kindness, love, and hospitality. They are such good people. We need more of those in the world. 

I was moved to minimal tears (I had to hold them in to keep from sobbing) at church today. I lay awake last night reading my patriarchal blessing begging, in a way, for the some reassurance and validation from the Lord. And I got it today. Tender mercies really do exist.
Here are some quotes and some thoughts that appeared today from some inspired speakers and incredible music:

*Everything we really need to know we learned in Primary:
-(1st Article of Faith) When we believe in a higher power, we are humbled. When we have that belief, we know that there is something worth living for, something worth striving for. 
-(2nd Article of Faith) I am responsible for the things I do, for how I react. It's nobody else's fault. I have had too many encounters this past week where I have, figuratively, been beaten down. I have been told all the negative aspects about myself. My self esteem has been riding on edge because of something someone (a friend of mine) said. And it hurt. More than you can imagine. But I choose how I respond. I choose how I recover. That's the beauty of this life: everything we do is OUR choice. 
-The things we hope for sustain us through our daily walk. There are times when the darkness may seem unbearable, but it is in these times that the gospel helps save us. 
-God will keep his promises. Only Heavenly Father knows our heart. He knows me and he loves me so much. He knows that I am angry right now because of the pain that others have caused me, but he knows that my heart is good and I am trying my best. And that's all that matter. 
-His hope is in us. If we lose hope, we lose confidence in Christ. And He, my friends, is the ultimate confidence booster. So why not trust Him?

I cannot stop watching this video, you guys.
This is my choir, the Latter Day Celebration Choir (at the Orem Institute of Religion). This is an auditioned group and we go all over Utah singing our testimonies. When I auditioned for this choir three years ago, I was unaware of how much it would change my life. I am a different person (and singer!) because of this choir. We sang a song called "I Will Rise" at a devotional for Alex Boye (a famous LDS recording artist) a couple of weeks ago. In the midst of this song, he was moved to tears. After the devotional, he approached my director and expounded on the heaviness of emotion that he felt. He wanted to share this song with the world. So, he asked us to make a music video.
Hours of recording and filming have gone into this music video. Waking up at 1:45 in the morning to film in the Salt Flats of Utah, re-singing the song over and over because we weren't blending, and many emotions have all occurred throughout  process. But, I cannot even begin to imagine the effect it will have on people this Easter season. Alex also wanted to put a little bit of African music in this particular song. So it has a little more to it with the African drums, etc. (Yes! My fellow Africans can enjoy now! Ha)
So, I ask you all to watch this video (song is available to buy in iTunes as well. I don't get any money from this, just FYI haha) and share it with the world. No matter what religion, ethnicity, or location you are presently at, this song will move you. I promise. 

"Jesus has overcome, and the grave is overwhelmed.
The Victory is won, He is Risen from the dead a
and I will Rise when he calls my name. No more sorrow, no more pain.
...Before my God, Fall on my knees, and Rise."
I am so grateful that I can share my testimony of the real meaning of Easter with you all through this special video. 

P.S. Look closely at 3:19, there may or may not be a short shot of me ;)
Also, fellow bloggers, if you share this (which I hope you will!) please link it back to my site somehow! Thanks a million. 

Oh, and this is my choir messing around during filming.
May I remind you that it was FREEZING. Like, unbearable. We were shivering through the entire shoot. 
So worth it, though.
This is us, just doing our Justin Bieber dance. 
Love it. Need it. Crave it. I'm the one in front, yelling. Of course. 

Happy Easter!!!


  1. Thanks so much for stopping by sweetie! Please feel free to check my amazing GIVEAWAY, you can win a beautiful leather clutch:)

  2. Oh, Sierra. LOVE this post!
    Happy Easter, sweet friend!

  3. Sierra! I love that you found my blog! It's a book review blog, so I always assume people won't love it as much as a blog like yours, with everyday musings and thoughts. That's why I don't really advertise it. Haha. But yay! I'm glad you're following me! I'm following you as well. :)

    Guest posts?! Sure! We can definitely figure something out. :)

    And, by the way... I totally love the music video with Alex Boye! What an amazing experience. LDC just keeps getting more and more opportunities to spread the gospel to others, and I am SO excited! And what a wonderful post to go along with it. :) Love you!

    - Jana

  4. I love this! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Glad you had some place to go for Easter dinner. I should have invited you over so I didn't have to eat mine solo, but your alternative sounds much more fun. I gave up on egg dying when it began to get more on my clothes than it did the eggs.

    And isn't your choir concert coming up soon? I need to block out my calendar.

  6. Love it! And I love Chris Tomlin's music! :)

  7. love it! thanks for sharing!

  8. this is such a lovely post! thanks for sharing. Happy Easter several days late!!! ;) xo

  9. Beatiful post. I admire you for being able to share the things that are so close to your heart.

  10. beautiful post! thank you for sharing! happy belated easter :)
    xo TJ


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