Sierra's View: Dear Me {3}:

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dear Me {3}:

Dear Me,
That's you. As a senior in high school. Right after you chopped your hair 13 inches. Your hair is back to the original length currently (my hair grows like 8 inches in a year. Blessing!). I'm still torn if I want to cut my hair like this again.....I love my long hair. But, I just don't know. UGH.

Dear Me,
You have to start taking care of yourself. You have a sore throat, cold, headache and your body is exhausted. Give yourself a break and start resting. I know you feel like you have to be doing something every day/night because it's "summer time" but that is not the case. Take it easy (in spanish accent).

Dear Me,
Get out of this funk. Now. Start being happy. Exercise more (even if it's not intense), eat better, drink more water. Do everything you can do to stabilize that dopamine and serotonin!

Dear Me,
Class Management ideas. Decorating classrooms. Planning Curriculum. Teacher Conferences. AHHHH!!!! Where do I even begin?!

Dear Me,
Start taking school a little more serious. You are already behind. I know it's summer school and you'd rather be playing or sleeping or at least doing something productive (yes, these classes are a waste of my time...I mean, what?) but just finish strong!

Dear Me,
Bachelorette is back on!!! Moment of silence. (Who's up for Bachelorette parties?!) And I'm not sure who I even like. No one has stuck out yet. But still...this isn't a good sign. Makes me want to sign up for the Mormon Bachelor. What do you think, readers? Haha.

Dear Me,
I know you're obsessed with John Mayer, but can we talk about how dirty and weird and boring he is for three seconds? See this clip here. Like, what the heck? How in the world did he and Taylor Swift date? Okay, so the boy can write and sing incredible lyrics and music, but that hat? Really?

Dear Me,
Hmph. 10 months (ish) til he's home. Too long. Just remember how awesome it was to talk to him on Mother's day, though. Little cutie! (insert heather voice)

Dear Me,
You love Oregon. You miss Oregon. 4TH OF JULY. Oregon won't even be able to handle this girl. Let me tell  ya. Cannot even wait for one break. Yes, my one and only this entire summer. Are you jealous of my life yet?

Dear Me,
New goal: 200 followers. LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED, PEOPLE. Boom.

Dear Me,
So many wonderful things are happening. You are blessed. Now shut up and get some rest so you can feel better.

Write your own Dear Me Letters!
Only rule: Please put this button at the end of your post!
You are welcome to say my name or link them back here too. 
*Copy the html code and paste it into your post.  Click the enter button to link up.

Oh, Just Living the Dream


  1. i love!!! the hair:) it is a darling cut on you!

  2. i like these and i think i should start linking up eh? also, i know you live in orem, but i only live in provo and if you ever want to do something i'm all for it!

  3. i like the long hair, but the short it cute too. john mayer is a nerd! and it totally sucks growing up! welcome to the real world, i'm sorry. but once you're in your classroom and the kids call you teacher and draw you little pictures and the boys kiddie flirt and the girls tell you you're pretty... you'll just be so happy! 10 months will go fast, especially now, so take these 10 months and spoil yourself--i'm talking start buying that pink kitchen aid and all the cute things you'll be too poor to buy once married. if you need to eat healthy come to my house, we bbq alot! you're a good girl 'sisi babe', but i know you already know that!


  5. 8 inches in a year? My hair grows ONE inch in a year, if I'm lucky. Okay, that might be a little dramatic, but it definitely does not grow that fast!

  6. 8 INCHES IN A YEAR!!?!?!??!?!!
    i'm jealous. don't you ever, EVER chop your hair again. at least not for me. i will live my dream of having long, gorgeous hair vicariously through you.

  7. I am SO JEALOUS of how fast your hair grows!!! My bangs grow really fast and everything else moves at a snail's pace. You're so lucky! Also-- I am equally as excited for Bachelorette to be back. It is my guilty pleasure! :)

  8. Love your blog! Would love for you to check out mine. Let me know if you want to follow each other : )

  9. Dear You,

    How adorable is this post. Oh, how I agree with you on John Mayer and how jealous I am you are going to Oregon. I also think you are pretty dang awesome too.

    Love always,

  10. Oregon sounds awesome (: and yes you should take a break!

  11. Loved this post! I say keep your lovely and long (8 inches a year!! what what whaaaat?), long hair is so much more fun!

  12. Love this! Love your long hair! So jealous of how fast it grows!!

  13. hi sierra! i think you look great with both short and long hair! i always find myself wanting to cut my hair short, but whenever i do, i miss my long hair, haha! it's such a dilemma. ;)

    <3, Mimi
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