Sierra's View: Portland----->Salt Lake!

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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Portland----->Salt Lake!

Like I stated in my Roadtrip Playlist post, Road trips are my THANG.
Seriously, guys. And if you follow me on twitter, you would know that I was lost in a daydream the entire time listening to "life story songs." Oh, you know, songs that pertain to your life perfectly. 

In the midst of this, I made a video of my road trip home from Portland to Salt Lake. 
Enjoy :) 

Note: Iphone Video. Not super high quality. Love me anyway. 
Music: Lake Michigan-Rogue Wave 


  1. You are a good wife for driving. I always make Tim do 80% of the driving haha. See you in a few days!!!! WAHHH!

  2. I love road trips too! Except, they become a little less fun with 2 screaming kids. lol - but I try my best to entertain them! :)

  3. Love me a good road trip! Def more enjoyable for me when the littles aren't with us. Seriously the stopping to go pee every five seconds gets old :)

  4. This is great! Road trips are good for the soul!

  5. Your trip sounds like it was so much fun!

  6. I wanna go on a road trip! hehe

    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Road trips in my opinion are all the rage. anything to see/experience a new place is great. Nice video

  8. Love road trips :) Thanks for sharing a little gllimpse!

  9. Fun! Road trips are the best! Windows down and music up and rock out on the steering wheel!

  10. This is so cute. I loveth you.

  11. I love the video! Looks so fun!

  12. looking forward to road tripping once the kiddos are older!

  13. we love road trips as well! we try to take one at least once a month. :) i mean why not.. it's so much more affordable than flying (most of the time). i hope that was a controlled fire in your video.. :/

  14. I love road trips too! Playlists are a MUST!

  15. I love roadtrips and making playlists!


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