Sierra's View: Ten Things that I've Done Right: Persevering with Passion

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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Ten Things that I've Done Right: Persevering with Passion

Last week, my good blogging friend, Rachael, posted about things that she has done right in her life. I was inspired by this post for a multitude of reasons. I think, so often, we are so conflicted with the bad decisions we are making in our lives (because we all make them!) that we are bombarded with guilt or frustration towards our not-so-smart decisions. I know that I am generalizing here, but I know that I tend to focus on the negative things that I can improve on rather than focusing on the good qualities and choices that I am making in my life at that precise moment. I went out with some girlfriends from college last night and as I sat and listened to all of us become down on ourselves for gaining weight or not being "far enough in life", etc, I started thinking: "Wait! What about all the things that all three of us are doing right? Because there are so many aspects that each of us, separately, are succeeding at!" I think, sometimes, I become blinded by those positive or right choices.

I have a lot of things that I am passionate about and I try everything to reiterate those things in my life. Whether that be decorating my home, writing on this blog, finding creative ways to teach my students, or singing in a choir, I allow my passion to help my self confidence and remind myself that I am doing things right.

And I don't like the guilt that I see in myself and in others. You are doing things right! I have and am currently doing a lot of things right. I am persevering my passion by doing these things right: 

1. I graduated college. 
Education has been, and always will be, a huge part of my life. I value education in myself, in the people I associate with and for my future children. I know that more education equals more success.

My brother and I graduated on the same day, at different, nearby schools :) 

2.  I married a good man in the temple.
T Money is hardworking, kind, loyal husband and I am grateful for my best friend every day. Plus, he's such a cutie :)

3. I have used the Atonement in my life. 
I make a lot of decisions that are dumb. I am so grateful that I know that I have a Father in Heaven who still loves me and accepts my apologies!

4. I love my career as a sixth grade teacher and am doing what I love and am good at. 
And I get to hang out with twelve year olds. An INFP's dream, I tell ya! I get to stay young at heart.

5. I have an adorable home with old, gorgeous trees in the backyard. 
And its all brick and its mine and its adorable and perfect. :)

6. I have traveled the world and taught in many different countries. I have been to Kenya, Hawaii, Mexico, Fiji, Puerto Rico, and all across the United States.

7. I have been a loyal friend to many others.
Once you are a friend, you're stuck with me.
What? Like 5 years ago? Look how skinny I was. Ha. 
8. I laugh. A lot. 
I try everything to enjoy my life and try everything possible to not take it too seriously.

9. I deal with my emotional, physical, and mental battles. 
i allow myself to feel things and I work on healing myself every way possible. That, in itself, is a hard feat that many other people don't even acknowledge, let alone, strive to change and deal with it.

10. I heal with music. 
I know that music is the closest way to feel close to the Lord, to heal when you are depressed, and to connect with others. I love to sing and am a trained singer. Singing and listening to music allows me to do something that I love.
One current artist that I have recently found is named Pete Scobell Band. He is an old Navy Seal who now sings Country. He has used his passion to start a new path in his life and I love that. And I love his voice!

One of my favorite songs from his album is "Wild"

You can find his amazing album on iTunes now.

Also, you're in luck!!! IT'S GIVEAWAY TIME!!!!

You can win a Pete Scobell Band, you can win an Orca Cooler and this album for free. This is valued at $270 right now. These coolers are seriously amazing--they are perfect coolers to take with you while you are camping!!! Click HERE.  It will take you two seconds to enter to win. Good luck! I will let you know who wins. Giveaway ends Sep. 29!!


  1. I love this post! <3 It is so important that we look at all of the positives in our life instead of just looking at the negatives.

  2. Such a great post! I might use the idea one day ;)


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