Sierra's View: Preview: A Day in the life of an Average Girl

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Preview: A Day in the life of an Average Girl

Friends! You know those blogs that you have an instant connection with? Like, when you see them, you are envious of it's cuteness and completely lovely manner? Well, A Day in the Life of An Average Girl is a blog that fits that description perfectly. Seriously. Nicole was just engaged to her sweetie and she has wonderful stories to tell along. Not only is she adorable, she has everything on her blog. She posts ideas that include delicious recipes to fun bridal shower pictures and cute clothes to go along. Maybe it's just because I'm a single college girl in Provo, Utah (no, that's probably the reason, eh?) but I adore (envy) her blog and her writing so much. Head on over and check her out, friends! You won't regret it. Thanks for being my blogging friend, Nicole! 


  1. She is a cutie. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Sierra! I found you on the internet! Today I was rummaging through my purse and the old gross envelope came up that I was writing blog sites on and I'll tell you what, I'm glad it did! You are adorable and I'm so excited to follow your blog now and don't even think you can escape me! Wow, that got weird, didn't it? Well I gotta tell you meeting you at the blogger meet up was definitely one of the highlights for me! You are a doll!

  3. how sweet :)

    Love your blog :) new follower!

    Follow me back? XOXO


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