Sierra's View: The Love Dare {Days 1-15}

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Love Dare {Days 1-15}

Something that many of you don't know about me (or actually many of you probably do!) is that I tend to have this problem, if you will. See, I tend to start many projects and always forget to finish them. Well, I have a confession to make... this "Love Dare" has kind of been one of those projects. BUT, in my defense, it's because I have been on vacation in California. Rough life, I know. Never fear though, people. I am a very responsible person (dead serious on this one!) and I always, eventually, (eventually could mean like 6 months down the road, but, you get my point) catch up. Which, in Love Dare's case, I have!

Those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, I am currently reading the Love Dare for a Blogger's Book Club. I made the mission statement to ultimately become a kinder, more patient wife. So far, yea...well, we will talk about it.

Since I forgot to blog last week, here is the lowdown on the past fifteen days:
1- Love is Patient
2- Love is Kind
3- Love is Not Selfish
4- Love is Thoughtful
5-Love is Not Rude
6-Love is Not Irritable
7-Love Believes the Best
8-Love is not Jealous
9-Love makes Good Impressions
10-Love is Unconditional
11- Love Cherishes
12-Love Lets the Other Win
13-Love Fights Fair
14-Love Takes Delight
15-Love Is Honorable

I want to talk about just a couple of these things today:

One of the things that I feel like I do very well as a wife is that I am very rarely jealous. Sometimes, I am jealous (more so angry) of his work and all of the time he gives to it instead of me, but when it comes to him being with friends or girls, I have full trust in him. Jealousy has never been forte, mostly because I am such an independent women, I respect his independency. I know that Tanner loves me wholeheartedly and, plus, he knows I would kill him if he did something stupid :) hahaha (no, seriously).

On that awfully kind note, something that I want to work on, specifically, from my recent readings is my gentleness. Day 2: Love is Kind, really hit. I am not a mean person. But sometimes I say things sarcastically or just come out and say it. I don't think before I say things often times, so hurt feelings tend to appear. I am a very honest, blunt, and sarcastic person and even though I am very kind, it is something that I want to try to work on. I wouldn't consider myself an amazingly "gentle" person. Because my mother raised me to be such a strong, opinionated, women, I forget to be a little more gentle. Often times, I correlate "gentleness" with weakness or a women who doesn't have a backbone, but that is not the case. I know that gentleness can come with a spiritual, emotional, and mental strength. And I still want to be that "strong" woman that I have inherited and learned, I also want to work on being tender and gentle.

So, alas, my goal is now written down. I gotsta do it now.

Come join on the fun, yo.

 Marriage & Relationship Goals


  1. Sierra! What is this book club and how do I get in? I'd love this!

  2. I think I'm still on like Day 5, I failed, I was just trying to do too much at once! But it's still sitting on my dresser and I plan on picking it up again soon :) I also don't really struggle with jealousy, so we kinda rock right? :)


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