Sierra's View: Sayonara

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Saturday, June 22, 2013


Since google reader is going sayonara (explanation: goodbye) I wanted to ask of you (beg? plead? inform?) to click on that little button below to follow my bog with bloglovin. I hate change. I really do. But this is a necessary one in order for me to continue writing. Ya dig? So, go ahead, click on it. Follow on Blog Lovin. Come on, everyone's doing it,

Side note: if it's any consolation, I transferred all of my list to bloglovin already so I am following all of you on there too. So really, this is a fair offer if you think about it.

K that's all. HAPPY WEEKEND. I have been on drugs for the past 14 hours after a lovely procedure (woman's fun). So, ya know, I guess you could say it's been a good weekend thus far. Except the fact that I have ZERO tolerance to pain medication. all I can do when they are in my body is sleep.
So, yea, I've slept a lot this weekend.

Anyway, I'm rambling.
Click away and follow on this ever changing new blog website, my fair maidens.

Follow on Bloglovin


  1. I don't even know what Google Reader is. Is it different than following on Dashboard from Blogger?

    1. Yea, it's different than that! You can still view all blogs from your dashboard.

  2. so far, i'm loving bloglovin. they send me an update every night of the blogs that updated that day, which means less hunting for me and quicker browsing experience. see ya google reader. who needs you?

  3. Just signed up to follow you via gfc. I think it's pathetic that google reader is going away, but I don't think much of google since they deleted my blog last month. But I am now following via bloglovin'. I think it's my first visit to your blog--found you on the Aloha hop. Visit my blog, if you like.


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