Sierra's View: Dane Everett Michels

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Dane Everett Michels

Welcome to this world, newest nephew!
Dane Everett Michels
I am so sad I have not been able to meet you. 
I hear you brought my sister, your mother, quite the labor.
Let's give her an easier next few weeks, okay?
You will be a Mama's boy. Just warning.
But when yo're 16 and want to run away from home, you can call your cool aunt Sisi and I'll be there. 
 (I'll probably still be single.)
Born on Sep. 22, 2011. 
  8lb 12 oz, and a whole lotta cheeks. (You're an Ainge. It was bound to happen)
Welcome to the family. :)
Congratulations Mckenna and Paul! He is beautiful. 

How precious is that?
I love being an aunt. 
That's six grandkids now. 
I need to get on it. 

1 comment:

  1. That hair! I can't believe all that hair! And you're right, he is beautiful. Love and congrats to McKenna & Paul (and you, cuz aunts are the most important of all).


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