Sierra's View: Nothing Like Bonding with Family With #AmericasTea: Bigelow Tea.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Nothing Like Bonding with Family With #AmericasTea: Bigelow Tea.

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser.

It has been a rainy day here in Utah Valley. I cannot complain because last week was absolutely beautiful. However, because of that tease of gorgeous, hot weather, I want it to continue to stay. The clouds seem to lower my energy and I definitely felt it today. With that being said, on a rainy, gloomy day like today, there is nothing better than curling up with good friends and family and talking and laughing while drinking #AmericasTea #CollectiveBias Bigelow Tea.

 I will be the first one to advocate for drinking a nice, warm mug of herbal tea, particularly in the evening. I think it is relaxing and rejuvenating. However, I have never personally had Bigelow Tea until recently. And let me tell you, I was seriously missing out.

I picked up the "Assorted Flavors" herbal tea from Bigelow Tea. And my, oh my, it was DELICIOUS. You seriously need to try it for yourself. I found it at Walmart under the "Coffee/Tea" aisle. There were all types of tea: black, green, herbal, etc. with all types of flavors.

Something that is seriously awesome about Bigelow Tea is that it is an American company and it is a 3-generation and a family owned company, which I am all about. Sponsoring small family businesses? Yes please! Not to mention that it is good, quality tea with a foil pouch for freshness.

I gathered my brother in laws and we sat on the couch on this evening and talked about their junior high and high school girlfriends (ha!) and they actually stole a few of these pouches for their own (no lie!)

Jared, my brother in law, does ceramics and makes bowls, cups, etc. so we got out all of the mugs and boiled some water and drank up! You can see our three different mugs that we chose. Which one is your favorite? I personally like the Newsies one, but Jared's ceramics one is pretty sweet, I must admit.

Pomegranate Pizzazz. My favorite flavor. (Cup #1)

Mint Flavor. My second favorite. (ceramics cup) 

Newsies Mug! Oh Yea!

Orange&Spice flavor. Not my favorite flavor, but still quite good!
So, now it's your turn, ladies and gentlemen. Grab your loved ones, family, spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, friend, roommate (or brother in laws in my case! ha) and curl up, watch a movie and drink some of this delicious Bigelow Tea

I encourage each of my fabulous readers to visit the board for more inspiration and stories about Bigelow Tea by clicking below:

I will be taking a little blog hiatus for the month of May.meaning, I will only be blogging like one or twice a week until the end of the month. I am swamped with end of the year activities for my 6th graders and I want to focus on that. I won't be completely gone, but don't you go dyin' on me, okay?

Also, I am guest blogging over on Ashley Z's blog today!!! Come check it out HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Omg. I love tea. English breakfast tea is by far my favorite. Lovely post.


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