Sierra's View: Tis the Season!

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Tis the Season!

I have been very bad at posting since the Holidays have started.
But, alas, I am here, posting some fun Christmas activities that have happened. 
I love the Christmas Season. I love the joy that emerges from people, even amidst the store chaos and negative worldly happenings.
I have been planning classroom Christmas parties, classroom holiday writings, and many other things that happened in my class that posting on this blog has been left behind a wee bit during December.
Through the many activities in my classroom, I finished my Senior Teacher Sample (basically a senior thesis--75 pages later) and all of my observations. IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE.
It feels amazing to be done and just focus on my students and becoming a better teacher.
I am, currently, sitting on my couch at home in Oregon. It feels so amazing to do whatever I want for a couple of days. My niece, Portia, is my little partner in crime and I am totally okay with it.
No better feeling than curling up by my fire at home, book in hand, the Christmas decorations all around and feeling the joy that, in a lot of ways, has been absent from my life the past few months. I have been so insanely busy since the summer, that I don't think I have stopped and breathed for awhile. I love that I am able to have the time to stop, think and process my life in a safe, comfortable, beautiful home. I am so grateful that I have a "home" to come to--where I feel love and comfort, even if it is a little loud and dysfunctional. :)
I am so grateful for the Birth of my Savior. It is because of him that I have become the person I am. His birth is a reminder that He wants to show us that he understand us completely and that He loves us perfectly. May we remember Him and the true meaning of Christmas through this cold, rainy weather. :)
Merry Christmas!
Hopefully you are all enjoying wonderful time with family and friends.
May each of us remember our blessings and the happiness we can obtain through Him this Christmas season.

{Temple Square lights in Salt Lake}

 {such a hilarious picture ha}

{Avoiding people at an Ugly Sweater party...
Look at that face. Typical}

{Sing a long at Energy Solutions Arena} 


(more pictures of the break coming soon!)
Merry Christmas!


  1. My husband and I went to the lighting of the Salt Lake temple a couple years ago. It was so beautiful. I wish we lived closer so we could have gone this year. St. George isn't that far away but it seems like forever, especially when it's snowed! Beautiful pictures.

  2. The Salt Lake Temple is so beautiful! I hope I can see the lights there one day!

  3. Beautiful lights! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ;)

  4. You are so cute. I loved seeing you in SLC, and I'm jealous that you're in Oregon right now. P.S. You're done with your TWS??!? Party!

  5. You got awesome photos at temple square!! Love it. Merry Christmas! Hope it was a good one :)

  6. Merry Christmas to you! I hope you were able to slow down from the busyness and enjoy the day!

  7. Merry Christmas! I love this time of year as well. It's the best!

  8. Your blog is adorable. I am a future teacher myself and I just love sweet ladies like yourself:)

  9. These are all great photos. The lights all look incredible.

    <3 Melissa

  10. Just stumbled upon your blog- love it! And your photos of Temple Square are beautiful. I especially love the statue & the reflection on the water.


  11. I really like your blog. Found you over at Aloha Friday Blog Hop, following you.

    xo, Vita

  12. Beautiful pictures!
    Happy New Year! If you get a sec, checkout my latest post 'Ostrich feather shirt: from day to night'.


  13. New follower from the blog hop! Love your blog & can't wait to get to know you more :) Have a great day!

  14. I hope you had a great Christmas! I want to see the lights at Temple Square one day.

  15. You were in Oregon and you didn't call? Tear


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