Sierra's View: I have a good reason, I swear...

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Monday, October 15, 2012

I have a good reason, I swear...

For being so MIA.

I was here:

10 points for you if you can guess the place.
(Note: This should not be hard. So you should definitely have 10 points.)

Utah had Fall Break--my first break since MAY. Yup. I was so out of Utah, it was insane.
Here's my little vacation, Instagram style:

Nephew, Dane.

Turkey Leg. I can't look at this. I just can't. 

Such a 14 year old ;) Cousin love!

With my dad :)

Hollywood Tower of Terror. So classic.

Space Mountain with my cousin, Hudson.

Oh, Baxter.

Aunts, uncles, cousins, sisters at Disneyland! 


My dad is cooler than your dad...

Dane :)

Disneyland makes me feel five.
It's fine.
Hope your Fall Break was more relaxing than mine :) 

PS! Here's to 300 followers!!! Thank you to all my lovely gathering of readers. You have made a smart decision, I promise :) Next goal: 400!

Thinking of my dear friend, Ryan, who passed away one year ago today in a car accident. He came to my mind multiple times on this particular day. I think about where I was one year ago and I am grateful for the growth that has occurred--I am so grateful for the gospel and my knowledge that I know he is in a good place. Love and miss you, Ry. 



  2. Looks like a fun trip!

  3. So jealous!!! I wish the rest of UT had a break :(

  4. Fun! Disneyland is definitely a good excuse to be absent from your blog! :)
    Congratulations on 300 followers! I just reached 100. :)


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