Sierra's View: Instagram Life Update

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Instagram Life Update

So, I have done a very poor job on updating you all on my life. Obviously, you all know that I got married (what?! Big shocker there!) but believe it or not, I have had other things happening too. So I want to update you on the amazing, exciting life of Sierra Ainge Charlesworth. (Still weird that that's my name now...) Sidenote: I have a middle name now! Yay! 

Come follow on Instagram to catch up! I

-Went to the ever controversial Utah/BYU game. I love college football. It was the worst game known to man, in all facets, but it was just fun to go watch some football with my husband! (I may or may not have yelled...a lot)

-Finding the many joys of teaching 6th grade. It is so different than 4th grade. I am talking an entirely new experience. The kids are way sassier and care way too much about social life. But it's fun to challenge them and be able to kind of speak to them like "little adults." They crack me up on a daily basis. 

I'm married now. A married mormon wife. WHICH MEANS I HAVE TO DECORATE. (That's how it works, right?) Ha. No, I love my fall decorations! 

On my birthday in September, Tanner came to my class and wrote a song about me with my students. I was totally shocked (and kind of embarrassed :)) but it was so sweet and the kids loved it. I loved it too!

-I am still getting used to Mrs. Charlesworth. 

I am so beyond exhausted. With teaching, exercising, blogging stuff, choir, and newly married life...I feel like this every single morning. Ha. Oh, and I spend a lot of time on Pinterest.

-Tanner and I never see each other during the week (no, really, never) so when he doesn't work on Fridays, we have date nights. It is tradition to try a new restaurant in Utah on our date nights. Last week, we went to an amazing Peruvian restaurant in Sandy. We were the only white people there; and I was the only one who didn't speak spanish. But the food was amazing and the atmosphere was so fun. I wanted to get up and dance and sing with the Peruvians! 

I dream about having a pet. But up until today (yucky snow weather!! nooo! It's not even October yet!) I spent many fall afternoons grading and taking naps on a blanket outside. This is one where BB, my in laws kitty, actually cuddled with me. Yes, I love cats. Judge me, I dare you. 

Went to a blogging party last night. I'm going to be completely honest, I normally hate these things. But this one was so fun because I got to bond with some ladies that I truly love and met some awesome new bloggers. 

Over Labor Day weekend (yes, finally posting about Labor Day) we went down to Cedar City and stayed with some really good family friends. We spent some time in St. George hiking. It was so fun! (And it reminded me how out of shape I am!) I want to go down there and hike some more. 

Well, in a nutshell, that's what's been happening.
Catch ya on the flip side.


  1. It seems like life after marriage is treating you well! I like your updates, although they don't show up in my RSS feeder any more (I use feedly). But I usually check here when you post on facebook.

  2. I loved meeting you! Also, I'm so glad you came. So cute that your hubby came and sang you a song. Hope your birthday was wonderful! Also, we don't even live far from each other! Let's do something!

  3. Love you Sierra! It was so fun to see you at the blogger get together and talk about our cycles. Highlight of my week! Good luck with those sixth graders. The youth of America is so freaking rowdy!

  4. I LOVED being in Sixth grade! When I was 11 and when I was 21. True, they are a little sassy at times, but they're just at that age where they're trying to find out what's cool and not cool, but still young enough to do some pretty stupid things to please you. Love it!

    Sue // Chevron & Lace


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