Sierra's View: Guest Post: Abbi from True Blue Abbi

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Guest Post: Abbi from True Blue Abbi

Happy Saturday, y'all! Guess what! I found more blogging friends! Sometimes I feel like I'm Abbi's mother (haha), but she is an adorable girl whose blog I absolutely love! Go on out and check out her out!! 


Hello everyone! I'm so glad Sierra let me pop on by today for a little interview. She seems like such a sweet gal and I'm glad we've 'met.' I'm Abbigayle from True Blue Abbi. I'm a 14 year old homeschooled Freshman with a summer birthday and big dreams for the future!  I hope you enjoy my answers and stop by my blog to say hello! I promise I don't bite(:

1) Why did you originally start your blog?

My dad actually gave me the idea to start my blog when I was 12 years old. He had found a YouTube Channel where this girl had made different videos of Glenn Beck and said I could do that sort of thing, except with my religion, and a blog. It was a 10 hour project for Young Womens but has turned into SO much more. True Blue Abbi has grown tremendously over the past almost 2 years! I'm so glad my dad got me started blogging! True Blue Abbi is my baby, and I'm not ashamed to say it.

2) What is your favorite day of the week? Why?

I probably like Friday best. I'm homeschooled, have been since the middle of 6th grade, and on Friday I only have to go to Seminary, feed the baby goats, do my personal things, practice the piano, do my job, and then finish up an Algebra lesson. Plus whatever else my mom or dad needs help with. The point is I only have to do Algebra on Friday! It also means that the next day I can ATTEMPT to sleep in. I haven't been able to sleep well ever since I was a baby. I'd go to bed really late and wake up super early. It's gotten worse and more complicated as I've aged.
3) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go right now? 
If I could go anywhere RIGHT NOW, it'd probably be to Australia. Australia seems like such a cool, laidback, beautiful place. It's on my Bucket List to travel there. I want to travel alot when I graduate. Three years this fall!

4) What is one accomplishment that you are proud of? 

An accomplishment that I'm proud of..hmm...this is a toughy. I can't think of any accomplishments, haha. I guess something I should be proud of is surviving 7th and 8th grade track. I cannot run, AT ALL. I'm not athletic although people say I look it all the time, haha. I only went out for the track sweats and to talk to friends! My first year I tried to get the sweats but none of the coaches would give me the order form! By the time something got worked out it was too late. Then, my second year they decided to not order track sweats. I wanted to quit so bad! I'm still a little bitter about it actually, haha.
5) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years I see myself married to a wonderful man, hopefully pregnant or I already have a kid/kids. I adore kids! I'd like to be living in the country with land as well. I've grown up with land, dirt roads, gardens, canning, and farm animals. I want my kids to enjoy the pleasures of it and know the responsibilities as well. I want to be able to pursue my interest in Graphic Design, Modeling, and Writing. I'm working on my photography and love to edit pictures and my blog. I write all the time. Poems, songs, etc. But I'm trying to work on a novel. Modeling is where it gets difficult. I would model right now if I could but because of my religion it makes it hard. My parents think that it'd be too much trouble and that I'd have to compromise my standards.
Thanks for having me Sierra, and thank you to those of you that were able to make it through the whole post! I love new followers and always try to head over to your blog and leave a comment. Please stop on by True Blue Abbi to say hello and get to know me even more!
-XO Abbigayle Rashae

Ain't she adorable?
I'm over on her blog today, too. Go read some of my ridiculous comments. I know you want to. 

Have a wonderful weekend, my beautiful bloggers!
I'll be back soon. With some AWESOME stories. 
Try to get some sleep, I know you are so excited ;)


  1. You are such a good blogging friend :) So nice to meet Abbi!

  2. Hey Sierra,

    I just wanted to thank you SO MUCH for recommending that youtube video! Really helped a ton! You are amazing!


  3. Awesome! What a cute interview...I love those 10 year aspirations!


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