Sierra's View: Dear Me {1}:

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dear Me {1}:

Dear Me,
You need to remember that you have to give yourself some alone time every day. Although you tend to be very extraverted, you need that time to think and rejuvenate.

Dear Me,
Remember how incredible you feel when you and your choir sing "I Will Rise" while on this choir tour. Every single time you sing this song, you are almost moved to tears. Remember that Spirit. Especially when you are down.

Dear Me,
See these friends?

They are wonderful. They truly want what's best for you. They will call you and text you when you accidentally sleep through your alarm. They will metaphorically pick you up when life brings you down. They allow you to be grumpy and pissy around them. They will be honest with you. They will make fun of you so you don't get too prideful. They will lift you higher because of their solid testimonies. They will make you laugh so hard during choir tour that you almost pee your pants around the high schoolers. Keep them around. Forever. 

Dear Me,
Your anger towards your family will subside. Try to see them for their deep seeded goodness and their examples. Dysfunction is present in every family but just remember that the anger, frustration and sadness you feel will only help you become a better mother. 

Dear Me,
Boys suck. They always will be. Even the "one" will at some point. Love them anyway. 
Dear Me, 

Dear Me,
YOU GOT A 4.0! That's two semesters in a row. Be proud of yourself. That is awesome. Don't discount your hard efforts in school. Be grateful for these awesome grades. 

Dear Me,
I know it feels like your struggle with depression may seen never-ending. Sometimes it feels like you can't catch a break. Just remember that you won't feel this way at all times. You may go through ups and downs with your emotions, but be grateful that you are able to feel all of those ups and downs. It's what makes you YOU. Life is hard sometimes. That's a part of the deal--that we would feel this sadness in this life. Keep fighting through. It's okay to have a hard day. 

Dear Me,
Keep listening to (and singing) music. It soothes and saves you. 

Dear Me,
Take all these beautiful smiles of these women that you love at their bridal showers, bachelorette parties, and wedding days and remember that smile for your special day. (Oh, and steal some of their ideas for your future wedding hehe). 

Note: Play the most incredible (perverted?) broom/toilet paper game. so hilarious.

Link up YOUR Dear Me Letters!

Only rule: Please put this button at the end of your post!

*Copy the html code and paste it into your post.  

Oh, Just Living the Dream


  1. Dear you,
    Thank you for sharing these letters.
    And congratulations on getting a 4.0! AGAIN!

  2. I think it would be great if everyone wrote some reminders like this to themselves. Way to go on a 4.0. I also think I need to give myself some alone time each day. Its good to center yourself. Beautiful post.

  3. wow, thats awesome! Great job :)

    Would you like to follow each other?

  4. A 4.0 is huge! Great job. And alone time is hugely important to me. I couldn't keep my sanity without it.

  5. I love how open you are. There are many people who suffer from depression and I like how you have such a great attitude towards it and a 4.0 GPA which is amazing. I feel the same way about my friends too ;)

  6. This was wonderful. Great job on your 4.0! I also loved the letter about boys. Yup. Even the great ones are silly, stupid boys sometimes. :) Thanks for your openness and honesty!

  7. Glad you stumbled upon my blog, and glad I then stumbled upon yours! DO try my new soup, it's very season-y but that's the way I like it!



  8. What a great post. Thanks so much for your sweet comment dear I really appreciate it!


  9. "Dear Me,
    I know it feels like your struggle with depression may seen never-ending. Sometimes it feels like you can't catch a break. Just remember that you won't feel this way at all times. You may go through ups and downs with your emotions, but be grateful that you are able to feel all of those ups and downs. It's what makes you YOU. Life is hard sometimes. That's a part of the deal--that we would feel this sadness in this life. Keep fighting through. It's okay to have a hard day. "

    Dear Sierra, I know your battle from the bottom of my heart I know your battle.

  10. Love these letters to yourself!!! They're so perfect!!
    And yes... even "the one" can be a butthead, but you'll love him enough that you won't be able to stay mad at him for more than 10 minutes. :)

  11. Beautiful post! So inspiring! :)


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