Sierra's View: Well, Shoot...

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Well, Shoot...

Talk about making a girl blush. 
Rosie over at Teacher of the Frickin' Year so generously awarded me the Liebster Blog award. 

I just love awards. Needed that booster. Yee. 
The Liebster Award is given to spotlight up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers. 
Does this mean that I am a legitimate blogger now? Yikes. I need to step up my game. 

This is how it goes down, ladies& gents (let's be honest, mostly ladies):
Uno. Link back to the person who awarded you. 
Dos.  Tell us who your 5 favorite up and coming blogs are. (they can be the person who awarded you)
Tres.  Post the award on your blog & pass it on! 

So, in order to pass the love on, I need to present to you some blogs that I read that I quite enjoy (how proper do I sound, eh?) 
Without further ado (+2):

1. Dani, La La La Love you 
Okay, so I don't think I have actually met her (maybe I have?) but we have 8 gazillion mutual friends. I think. She is a local elementary teacher and she is constantly ranting, raving, and riling (3 points for alliteration) about her class. As I'm preparing my upcoming classroom, I love reading about her adventures in life and in the schools. 

2. Amanda, Derek&Amanda
I had the opportunity to sing next to her in general conference choir a couple of years ago (wow was it almost two years ago? Goodness!). Not only did we realize that we dated the same person (ha), but we connected (or was that just me?). She just moved to New York City with her husband. She always has interesting, fun, insightful stories to tell on her adorable blog!

3. Sarah, The Author's Desk
I love this girl. I love her blog. You can just tell how big her heart is from her posts. Just be warned, this is not a site (no pun intended) for the lighthearted. Her passion, intensity and writing is marvelous. You may come out crying. I love the genuine feel of her blog. 

4. Lexi, All You Need is Love
I love how real she is in all of her posts. She tells things how they are really are. Her honesty is refreshing to a blogger like me (Ya know, one who tends to think deep thoughts and is brutally honest on my  own blog sometimes). Her blog is adorable, fun, and real! 

5. Allie, Things I love
Words cannot describe how amazing this girl is. Her blog only continues to emulate that idea as well. She is a health freak (love her for it) and has many wonderful tips about staying healthy in all aspects of life. Enjoy!

P.S. There are many blogs that I didn't put up but I genuinely love. It's just that I thought you a) probably don't read my blog b) would find this stupid (cough lexie and bri) or c) You have enough followers anyway...Ha

OH, and.. K. I need help with my blog. Who's gonna help a sista out? How do you: 
create a button? Put cool fonts on your blog? Have sponsors (not my ad sponsors but other blog sponsors)? Create the buttons and links on the top or side panel of your page? 


  1. Um...I'm crying a little bit (or a lot a bit, you know I am). Thank you, my friend. That means so much.

  2. I just about died when I saw this! Si...erra! You are the kindest! I'm glad that I'm not the only one that cried. Or the only one that felt a special connection with you. And I've felt that grow through blog stalking you. Your little shout out here totally flattered me and gave me that little boost of confidence and love that I have needed. I love you Sierra and am totally amazed how your blog has been growing and has seriously become so inspiring. Keep it up. You're incredible and I love you! Thanks for uplifting me and many others. You make me realize I'm not alone. And with recent struggles, your blog is such a good reminder that there is a Father in Heaven who loves me and knows me. xoxo

  3. I love it! You are sweet :)
    P.S. Are you already in the el ed program?
    P.P.S. How much longer do you have?


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