Sierra's View: BRB.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012


I have not disappeared, I swear.
I have been making blogs for all my favorite missionaries out there.
I'm so nice.

As you can tell, my blogging site is currently under construction.
I don't know what happened, but you can't comment due to this construction. BUT shoot me an email if you'd like. I'm so excited to have this finalized and done and pretty! Keep your eyes open!
My friend, Greg, who designed it is a genius. Seriously. He's wonderful.

In other news:
*A music video involving my choir and Alex Boye is coming soon! Can't wait to go viral! Hold on to your seats cause it's gonna be LEGIT.
*Sent one of my best friends, Julia, off on her mission yesterday. The MTC on Wednesday afternoons is not the best place to be. It's so sad.
*Been realizing that some people in my life don't treat me the way that I want. They see me differently than the Lord sees me and that is the last thing that I want.

More on all of this later. (with more pictures!)
here is a teaser:
filming at the salt flats at 5 am. Too early, my friends. Too early.
Instagram: @sisiainge

I'll be back soon! Don't leave me!
