Sierra's View: BE BETTER.

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Sunday, February 1, 2015


I recently stated in a post this past week that my goal for this year is to be happy. When it comes to happiness, I have found that there are certain activities and things that make me feel and be better, in general. I want to share with you five ways that I have found that make me feel, do, and be better recently.

1. Participate in the 52 Weekly Be Better Movement Challenge. 

Here's how it works: Every week, I receive 52 weekly Be Better Challenges. Each wellness challenge will aim to improve my physical and mental health. Each week a dollar will be donated to Kenya Keys for every completed challenge. An example of a challenge would be to make healthy smoothies, say hi to random strangers, etc. If you complete it and post it, money is sent to a student's education in Kenya. Now, many of you know that I lived and taught in Kenya, so it has a special place in my heart. Both of these programs are seriously so awesome! I love that is challenging me to be a better person while helping those amazing students in Africa. If you want more info on this, please let me know! 

2. Be Kinder. 
I'm sort a sarcastic, emotional person. Shocking, I know. But something that I've been working on is being kinder to the people around me. Instead of looking at the negatives regarding a situation or a person, I really am trying to see the positive and just being a nicer person. This is a little thing, but it's amazing how much I can already see a difference in how I interact with people. 
3. Meditate more. 
I have to admit, I'm not stalwartly at saying my prayers. This is something that I have a hard time doing consistently. I pray a lot, but not consistently, if this makes sense. I have found that when I pray, and when I pray out loud, I can feel myself calming down and more at peace, especially in stressful, emotional times. No matter what religion you are, or if you don't have a religion, praying and meditating to a higher power will get you through so much, you can't even imagine. 
4. Get Moving. 
Go for a 30 minute walk with your puppy, go to the gym, go to that yoga or cycling class, go on a hike…whatever it is, I ALWAYS feel better after I get moving. And it doesn't have to be big. I have found that just stepping outside (when it's nice weather, that is) instantly makes my head clearer and my thoughts happier. 
5. Compliment Yourself. 
Why are we so hard on ourselves? As human beings, I have found, that we are our worst critics. We are constantly looking at the negative aspects of ourselves, whether physically, emotionally, or mentally. This needs to stop. Be nice to yourself! For every mean thing you say to yourself or about yourself, say five things that you like about yourself. 
What would you add to this list?
What do you do to "be better?"
Have a BETTER week :) 


  1. These are great tips! :D The only one I might add would perhaps be "be more positive," although I think if you've got those 5 down, that will automatically work its way in there!

  2. Thanks for this post - I needed something like this today with all I've got going on. Think I'll get on the treadmill now :)

  3. Great post - I particularly agree with the be kinder suggestion. It is actually hard to do, it is so easy to slip into negativity!

  4. I would love to know more about the 52 week challenge. My email is keepingupwithashleyandcody(@) I need to really work on commenting myself. I started the #1800minutechallenge to better my body. Check it out on Tuesday!

  5. I love these reasons! You are on the right track!

  6. These are all such great ways to be better.

  7. This is so great, and happiness is such a choice (as I'm sitting here stewing over the Super Bowl loss).Checking out your challenge now!

  8. Complimenting yourself is so huge. I only recently started to actually look at my body in a positive manner and it's like living a whole new life. Give yourself some love!

  9. I think if everyone would be kinder the world would be a MUCH MUCH better place! And exercising definitely helps you be happier - it's scientifically proven!

  10. I love this! It just takes simple steps to become happier!

  11. I always say happiness is a choice and part of that is to love yourself more as that allows to appreciate others even more

  12. Those are all such wonderful ways to be better. I try to focus on the positive and not let the negative get to me. I would love to learn more about the 52 Weekly Be Better Movement Challenge :)


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