Sierra's View: I Was In a Musical.

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

I Was In a Musical.

Well, hi.
It's been awhile, huh?
I wish I could give you a definite reason why I haven't posted, but I don't really have one specific one. It can be any of the following reasons: There have been lots of family problems and crises, I was very busy with teaching, I went on a hiatus over Christmas and liked it way too much, or the fact that I just wanted a break from blogging. It's probably more the last thing more than anything. Sometimes we need to step away from things, don't ya think? 

Well, a month ago, yes… a month ago, I had the opportunity to play Mrs. Cratchit in A Christmas Carol Musical. Back in August, I told T Money that I was getting the urge to be in a play. I wanted to act and sing and be on stage. I hadn't done it since college and I was getting "the itch" to do it again. He was so supportive when I decided last minute in September (literally the day of the tryouts) to try out for the play. I thought, I real want to do this play and I don't have children yet…it's the perfect time to do it! It was so much fun to participate in it. It was a LOT of work. I would teach all day and then go straight to rehearsals 3-4 times a week for three months. I was pretty busy (especially during November and December--an already crazy couple of months), but I was so happy with what I was doing that I felt at ease. It felt as though my poor husband didn't see me for months, but he is such a supportive person, that it all worked out. I loved it. I loved the rehearsals, I loved the friends that I made, and I loved being on stage. 

The actual performance was so great. I wish I could be on stage more often, but unfortunately, I think I need a little break until the next one. Teaching and doing a musical may give me a heart attack if I keep doing it. But, sometimes I'm crazy so we will just have to see. :) 

I am so grateful for all of the support, love and compliments I received from family and friends. I had so many people who came to see me perform (even my dad flew out from oregon! For a measly play?! He's the best). I had about half of my class come and see me as well! I had my in laws, siblings, coworkers, people from my ward, old friends, and new friends come and see the show. It was seriously amazing to see all of the wonderful people in my life support me. 

I am so grateful for the friendships that I made from this play. Some of the nicest, honest, and fun people I know were in the show with me. These are people that I know I will keep in contact with for a long time. I am grateful for their talent and example. 

It was such a wonderful experience. Yes, it was stressful and frustrating at times, and there are a few things that I wish that I could change about organization or direction, the but it just felt good to "express myself" through some talents. Ha! 

Here are some clips from the show for those of you who didn't get to see it :) 

"And God Bless Us, Everyone" 


  1. Good for you for going for something that you wanted to pursue! I am notorious for talking myself out of things that I want to do.

  2. This is fantastic. I love that you had something like this you wanted to do and went straight ahead and did it. Like Chelsea, I talk myself out of it. I've been talking about learning the dreams for oooh 7 years now?!

  3. You look so gorgeous in your character! <3

  4. How fun! I'm sure it was a lot of work, but good job on following your desires! Welcome back to blogg

  5. How beautiful you look. I've never been in a play, just don't have the confidence to perform on stage.

  6. That sounds awesome! I did the exact same thing a few months ago too and got on stage to perform a play that my friend wrote and had published :) i definitely didn't have the time really, but i found time because sometimes we need to be creative and let our creative sides out! i hope you do get to do more :)

  7. How exciting, you look great in the play


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