Sierra's View: Just Thankful.

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Just Thankful.

I am just feeling grateful right now. 
Sure, we have no money and I spent all of our weekly grocery money on things such as toilet paper, laundry detergent, printer ink...with very little food mixed in there so now we have no grocery money (top raiment it is!)...
I have so much to be grateful for.
I don't have the natural gift at always looking at the positive. That's not to say that I am incredibly ungrateful and pessimistic all of the time, I really do see the good in things. It is, however, not my strong suit.
With that being said, as I watched the doctor stick a device up my husband's nose to look at his stomach (he has been having tons of stomach issues--trying to pinpoint what the problem is), I realized the miracle (and partly disgusting) parts of human life. I stepped outside and it was a beautiful, sunny day. I was grateful that I had insurance so that those kinds of appointments can take place--so that we can figure out how to help Tanner physically.
I love Thanksgiving.
I always joke with my brother and family because I tend to have bad luck on this week.
From getting caught in TWO storms on our roadtrip home two years in a row to getting kidney stones last Thanksgiving--this week has gone down as a week of " bad luck" in my life. Yet, amidst those unfortunate events, I love this holiday.
I love that we get to bond with family and eat delicious food (mashed potatoes!!!) and celebrate all of the good that we have in our lives. What a brilliant holiday!
I am finishing my {November Thankful Moments} from my {Wedding Series} with the rest of the photos from my Oregon Wedding. (Utah reception to come!). I have posted many of the photos in the rest of my wedding series, with engagements beforehand, so enjoy! (sorry if there are repeats and you have seen some of these photos a million times. Hey, who doesn't love looking at wedding photos, right? Ha). Looking back at this past month's posts has made me realize all of the great people that I have in my life. Most of my November Thankful Moments were not just moments, but more specifically people, and I don't think that's coincidence. I have many strong, funny, faithful, and kind people in my life. And I'm pretty lucky for that.

Note: I am trying to show you the rest of my Oregon Temple/Reception photos (again, sorry if there are any repeats!) so just a warning,  MAJOR PICTURE OVERLOAD. (But, hey, they are gorgeous!) :)


Told you there were lots of pictures :)
Happy Thanksgiving! Have a very special, enjoyable day.


  1. These are such beautiful photographs! I felt like I attended your wedding ceremony hah! Oh get well soon Tanner!

  2. I love this post so so much!! I can totally relate completely. I don't think I'm a naturally positive person either... I used to be but maybe motherhood has changed that, ha. But this post was beautiful and I needed that reminder, especially today when it has been kind of a terrible day, ha. You are awesome!

    And those picture?? Oh my gosh! Beautiful!! You are a GORGEOUS bride!!

  3. AHHH I'm freaking dying over that 4th picture from the top. If that doesn't capture the happiness and bliss of a wedding day, than I don't know what does. CUTE CUTE!

  4. these pictures are so full of love, promise and beauty! I found your blog through bloglovin, and I'm following you now. grace and peace, Leah


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