Sierra's View: Charlesworth Family.

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Friday, October 5, 2012

Charlesworth Family.

Ever since I got my new camera, every time I see something beautiful, I want to bring my camera out and start shooting away! 
I'm convinced that Fall is the best season to take pictures, too!
The colors, the setting, and the entire feel of the season is so picture-sque. 
I love taking pictures. 
I know I am a complete newbie, but I want to continue to learn more! I feel like I do have a pretty good eye for stuff--I just need to learn to the technical workings of the camera. 

I was so flattered when the Charlesworth family asked me to take their family pictures this year. I love them so much. They crack me up. We went on a looong drive up American Fork Canyon and found this absolutely stunning spot. We stayed up there for hours just laughing, taking pictures and enjoying the view and feel of the entire scene. 


  1. Wow!! These pics are great. You're very talented!

  2. I couldn't agree more! Autumn was made for picture-taking!! I'm heading out tomorrow between conference sessions. Great job on these pictures -- they're beautiful.

  3. what a cute family. That little girl is a doll!!
    You might have to take me and my man friend and do a photoshoot sometime.

  4. Great pictures! I love the colors!

  5. lovely pictures of a beautiful family.. well done.


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